Foundation for supporting people with special needs and their families Psychologics in special needs education diagnostics and training for children and young teenagers with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) Health Care Counceling center for hearing challenged students & research center „History of health and social politics“ AAC counceling center Counceling center for dropout prevention Teacher training about evaluated results of the research projects of the ambulatorium and department research in re-habilitation and assessment 1. Ambulatorium for Re-Habilitation at the Department for Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation center for research – teaching – services Motopedagogics and psychomotoric diagnostics and training
Psychologics in special needs education diagnostics and training for children and young teenagers with attention deficit disorder (ADHD) Health Care Counceling center for hearing challenged students & research center „History of health and social politics“ AAC counceling center Counceling center for dropout prävention Teacher training about evaluated results of the research projects of the ambulatorium and department 1. Ambulatorium for Re-Habilitation at the Department for Special Needs Education and Rehabilitation Motopedagogics and psychomotoric diagnostics and training Teaching - lessons combined with practice in counceling services and supports in rehabilitation diagnostics research methods - possibilities for observation - students take part in current research projects of the ambulatorium - small research projects from the students in the context of a lesson Research - research in re-habilitation and assessment - development and evaluation of concepts in different contexts of special needs education and rehabilitation Services and supports - support for people with special needs in the context of research programs - teacher training Cooperation - cooperation with research facilities, offices and medical specialists in Oldenburg and the surroundings
exercise therapy/ sensory training office obser- vation The rooms of the ambulatorium service rooms wainting room further plan entrance counceling/ training: AAC and ADHD counceling for hearing challenged people teaching and observation