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inthrop_ pdf
Winthrop Beach Restoration project
Two Working Groups Addressing Winthrop Beach Restoration Project Environmental Assessment GroupSocio-economic Assessment Group WHAT? WHY? WHERE? WHO? WHEN?
Applying Coastal Management General Steps for Winthrop shoreline/beach restoration: 1.Resource assessments (environmental) – What type of assessments were done in the Winthrop beach restoration? Why? What environmental conditions are needed for beach to exist? 2. Impact assessments – for both the shoreline/beach that needs to be restored and for sites used for creating the beach! Use conflict analysis! Describe what was in conflict and why? 3. Policy and regulatory framework – which agencies and communities participated in decision making process? 4. Economic assessment – feasibility study 5. Implementation – what was in this case critical for making a decision(s) that was made? 6. Monitoring and evaluation – identify the best indicators (natural and socio- economic)
Winthrop Beach Restoration Project: environmental assessment and suitability indicators selection
Winthrop Beach Restoration Project socio-economic assessment and selection of criteria and indicators: Criteria and suitability indicators selection include: time frame; economic feasibility analysis; what’s the value of the beach? Policy analysis; review and amendments of related law & regulation; Agencies involved Community participation
Winthrop Beach Filed trip let's meet at 10 am on Winthrop Beach Bus schedule from the Orient Heights stop on the Blue Line: Route 713: 9:27 (Orient Heights) - 9:41 (Winthrop Beach) Route 712: 9:40 (Orient Heights) - 9:55 (Winthrop Beach) Route 713: 10:00 (Orient Heights) - 10:14 (Winthrop Beach)
Winthrop Beach Case Study - Joe Orfant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will summarize the history of Winthrop Beach including severe storm damage, construction of a seawall, breakwaters, and groins, and development of a recent proposal to nourish the beach with 500,000 cubic yards of sediment. - Winthrop is a barrier beach between two eroding drumlins. Five upland and 14 offshore sources were considered for the beach nourishment project. Upland sources were estimated to cost at least 2-3 times that of an offshore source using a hopper dredge. The preferred offshore option is the NOMES site 1, which is eight miles southeast of Winthrop and was identified by a study funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the 1970s as a potential aggregate source. -12-month marine biological study was conducted for NOMES 1 and a biological impact assessment report was filed in December The permit process for this project began 7 years ago. During the permitting process, $500,000 has been spent on temporary reinforcement due to undermining of the seawall and the formation of a sinkhole landward of the wall. - DCR's goal is to have all of the permits by the end of this summer and put the construction project out for bid in early fall.
Vector layer WINTHROP
Winthrop Land Use
Environmental Indicators Currents & surface waves Bathymetry Sediment grain size Shoreline/beach changes Biodiversity – indicate one-two species Benthic and phytoplankton biomass Pollutants – Fecal, pesticides, heavy metals
Socio-economic indicators Resident population – owners/rentals Population density Land use/Land cover - watershed Community stakeholders & Industry sectors Property values (insurance/taxes) Income/wealth distribution Public access to a coastline/beach Number of visitors/tourists & recreational activities Maintenance and Costs of the shoreline/beach area (e.g. trash, new sand) ns/winthrop_east-boston.htmhttp:// ns/winthrop_east-boston.htm