E LEMENTS AND P RINCIPLES OF A RT Introduction Lesson Test
I NTRODUCTION Name : Kelsey Poorman Subject : Arts- Visual Arts Grade Level : Grade 1 Standard : Creative Expression and Communication Benchmark : Use the elements and principles of art as a means to express ideas, emotions and experiences. Indicators : Identify visual art elements and principles using art vocabulary. Use selected art elements and principles to express a personal response to the world.
L ESSON o What are the elements and principles of art? The elements and principles of art are building blocks for all visual art. Knowing the elements and principles of design provides students with the necessary vocabulary to effectively analyze and discuss artwork.
T HE E LEMENTS Form Line Varying widths; heavy, thin o The path traced by a moving point. Can be implied. The shape or outline of something in three dimensions. The underlying structure or composition in a work of art.
T HE E LEMENTS Shape Color Tint/shade Primary: Red, Yellow & Blue The general outline of something. Geometric: Organic: Secondary: Orange, Purple & Green
T HE E LEMENTS Texture The qualities of a surface. Can be actual or implied Soft or rough Space Created by the merging, touching and intersecting of lines. Actual space- two or three dimensional Pictorial space- flat surface of the paper, canvas or other material. Also known as picture plane. Positive/negative
THE PRINCIPLES Balance The arrangement of a composition. When the eye is attracted equally to the various imaginary axes of a composition. Unity The arrangement of elements into a unified whole or oneness in a composition. Rhythm, balance and proportion help establish unity.
T HE P RINCIPLES Proportion The size relationships within a composition. Rhythm Controlled movements Beat and flow
T EST Question 1 What are the art elements? Space Texture Color Shape Form Line Balance Rhythm Unity Proportion
TEST Question 2 What element or principle is strongest in this artwork? Texture Line Unity
TEST Question 3 What are the primary colors? Green Purple Yellow Red Yellow Blue White Red Blue
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Resources: Hurwitz, D. & Day, M. (2007). Children and their art: Methods for the elementary school. California: Thomson Wadsworth Ohio Department of Education. Retrieved March 1, 2008 from DefaultPage.aspx?page=1. For more on the elements and principles visit: Arts Connected.OrgArts Connected.Org