Year 4 induction Where?, when? and what? The timetableThe Module list
M.Phys. core, 15 credits
M.Phys. options and electives, choice of 6 depending on flavour and last years options, 45 credits (running total 60 credits)
Induction today, 11 am, Prof Raine LR D Induction Thurs 18 th Nov, LR D, 1 pm Dr Ambrosi Induction Fri 8 th Oct, Room H, 2 pm Dr Roy 4 th year non-examination elements 60 credits (running total 120 credits)
New this year. Some option courses (mostly in year 3) are piloting a new system to improve feedback on course progress. A question sheet will be distributed at, or before, lecture 1 containing at least 1 question per lecture Deadlines for the submission of this work by the students will be set by the lecturer at the beginning of the course 2 or 3 feedback sessions will be scheduled at the beginning of the course, within the 13 timetabled lectures. Marked work will be returned to the students. Solutions to the assignments will be provided as part of the feedback where appropriate. The continuously assessed component will make up 20% of the marks for the course.
Year 4 Courses involved: Dynamical Systems WDE 4631 Physics of Society DJR 4317Applied Quantum mechanics PAM It is possible other courses will adopt this system – check with the lecturers. Bear this trial in mind when selecting your option courses, you may want to maximise or minimise your involvement!