Gwynne Lyons Toxics Science and Policy Advisor WWF UK Congenital Defects The wildlife/human connection AREHNA seminar - Kos, June 2005
Overview of Talk Two examples of wildlife warnings. Congenital defects in 4 classes of vertebrate animals: fish; amphibians; reptiles; mammals. Wildlife warnings for the future
Example 1 Abortion in Sea Lions 20 % Sea Lions had aborted pups on an island off California DDE responsible for 15%? Of premature baby deaths in USA (Longnecker et al. 2001) Higher DDT in Chinese workers who suffer abortion (Korrick et al. 2001)
DDT in lab animals DDT has an anti-androgenic action in rodents. AGD > hypospadias > undescended testes (Kelce et al. 1995; Earl Gray et al. 2001) Highlights fetal tissue concs of ppm DDE = similar to humans in late 1960s Shows DDT / DDE cause cryptorchidism and CIS in rabbits
South Africa - babies DDT used in homes for malarial control Prof Bornman et al (unpublished –work in progress) DDT linked to testicular abnormalities in baby boys
Example 2 Thyroid effects in Great Lakes wildlife In Great Lakes all adult male salmon showed thyroid disruption. Enlarged thyroids – goitre - some ruptured. Effects on thyroid still evident gulls still have goitre – produce less thyroid hormones. Turtles in Great Lakes reduced thyroid function.
Other species showing altered thyroid function Babies in 1990 Dutch cohort – thyroid hormone levels correlate with pollutants The higher dioxin, furan and PCB in milk, the lower maternal total T3 and T4. Infants have higher plasma-levels of TSH Alligators in polluted Florida lakes – reduced thyroxine levels. Florida panther thyroid dysfunction Polar bears – thyroid hormone levels altered - PCBs
Thyroid effects in humans Goitre in Michigan residents PCBs - developmental neurotoxicity = thyroid disruption? In Japan – tripling of the incidence of cretinism defective thyroid function in foetal life cause dioxin? – other chemicals linked to ED of T
Congenital defects in Vertebrate wildlife - fish Intersex fish – up to 100% of roach in some UK freshwater rivers. VTG. Now found elsewhere in EU. Intersex found in UK marine fish – such as flounder – but less severe. Now found in Seine, Baltic flounder, and severe in swordfish from the Mediterranean MIPs morphologically intermediate papilla syndrome – Sand Gobies.
Congenital defects in Vertebrates: Amphibians Gonadal dysgenesis and hermaphrodite leopard frogs - atrazine sites USA (Hayes et al. 2003) Intersex in cricket frogs – pop decline - peaked in OC time? (Reeder 2005) Cane Toads – 30% hermaphrodite – atrazine on sugar cane in Florida (Gross) Limb deformities
Congenital defects in Reptiles Smaller phallus in alligators. Abnormalities of the testes in alligators Smaller precloacal length (= penis) in snapping turtles - Detroit river Abnormal testes – ovo-testes in red belly turtle in Florida
Congenital defects in Mammals: Mustelids Impaired reproduction in otters in EU, and in Great Lakes. Otters in Lower Columbia river had shorter baculums and smaller testes. Eye defects linked with lower vit A Endangered European mink in decline Mink in British Columbia shorter baculum correlating to PCBs
Congenital defects in Polar Bears and Panthers Suspected higher rates of female hermaphroditism in polluted Svalbaard. Many of remaining small population of Florida panthers have undescended testes
Congenital defects in Black and Brown Bears Retained testes in 11 of 71 black bears in Florida (4 old enough to be considered cryptorchid) (Dunbar 1996) In Alberta Canada – 1988 – reported cases of masculinised females
Congenital defects in Mule Deer and White Tailed Deer Abnormal testes and abnormal antlers in 27 of 116 adult male Mule deer around site on Columbia river USA (Tiller et al.1997) Of 254 white tailed deer from Montana – 67% showed genital developmental abnormalities. ( ) Mis-positioned genitals, undersized scrota, and un-descended testes (Hoy et al. 2002)
Congenital defects in male Sitka Black Tail Deer in Alaska Aliluik peninsula on Kodiak Island 61 out of 94 were bilateral cryptorchid 43 out of 94 had abnormal antlers At least 2 of the 10 scrotal testes examined contained CIS cells precursors of seminoma (Veeramanchaneni et al. 2005)
Congenital defects in Eland in South Africa Focal white gritty areas found in testes of all 11 eland. Vacuolisation of sertoli cells Impaired spermatogenesis Testicular lesions associated with high NP? First evidence of wildlife affected by EDCs in South Africa
Warning for male Homo Sapiens Testicular dysgenesis now seen in many aquatic and terrestrial species. Additive effects known to occur in vivo with anti-androgenic substances (Foster et al. 2000) (Gray et al. 2001) (Silva et al. 2002) Swan 2005 – shows AGD and other effects linked to phthalate metabolites in mothers. Baby boys – half the men their fathers are?
Warning: Immune suppression in wildlife is widespread Birds in Gt Lakes - Herring Gulls, Black-crowned Herons, Caspian Terns in (2001) Great Lakes. Snapping Turtles in (2001) in Gt Lakes Loggerhead Turtles (2000/01) from North Carolina Seals (and controlled feeding of seals with fish from polluted Waddon sea depressed immune system
Warning: Immune suppression in wildlife is widespread..cont… High rates of cancer in St Lawrence belugas. Mice fed with fat replaced with beluga fat – show immune suppression Immune suppression very evident in Svalbaard polar bears Immune suppression found in Florida panther
Implications for humans? Discuss – Rice oil - Inuit babies – Dutch cohort. DES children. > old age – autoimmune disease – arthritis. Need to identify chemicals with immunotoxicant and/or ED action Need tighter controls on EDCs Need to bring EDCs under prior authorisation under REACH. Help!