中央大學。范錚強 1 Chapter 6: 電子化政府、電子化學習 國立中央大學、資訊管理系 范錚強 Tel: (03)426-7250 2011.05.


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Presentation transcript:

中央大學。范錚強 1 Chapter 6: 電子化政府、電子化學習 國立中央大學、資訊管理系 范錚強 Tel: (03)

中央大學。范錚強 2 eGovernment Turban 書: E-commerce model in which a government entity buys or provides goods, services, or information to businesses or individual citizens. 書上定義比較狹隘 電子化政府牽涉到的是政府和企業、個 人的電子化互動

中央大學。范錚強 3 government-to-citizens (G2C) E-government category that includes all the interactions between a government and its citizens. Electronic Voting Electronic Benefits Transfer

中央大學。范錚強 4 government-to-business (G2B) E-government category that includes interactions between governments and businesses (government selling to businesses and providing them with services and businesses selling products and services to the government). Government E-Procurement Group Purchasing Forward E-Auctions

中央大學。范錚強 5 電子化政府的深度 資訊公開(法令、政策、流程等) 例如:如何對獎、發票如何歸戶 資訊檢索 線上服務業務申辦 例如:主動通知發票得獎、申請更新駕照、 網路報稅 公民參與 意見反映、投票等

中央大學。范錚強 6 e-Learning The online delivery of information for purposes of education, training, or knowledge management.

中央大學。范錚強 Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall

中央大學。范錚強 8 distance learning Formal education that takes place off campus, usually, but not always, through online resources. virtual university An online university from which students take classes from home or other offsite locations, usually via the Internet. 相關概念

中央大學。范錚強 9 Benefits of e-Learning Time reduction Large volume and diversity Cost reduction Higher content retention Flexibility Updated and consistent material Fear-free environment

中央大學。范錚強 10 Drawbacks of e-Learning Need for instructor retraining Equipment needs and support services Lack of face-to-face interaction and campus life Assessment Maintenance and updating Protection of intellectual property Computer literacy Student retention

中央大學。范錚強 11 e-Book A book in digital form that can be read on a computer screen or on a special device. e-books can be delivered and read via Web access Web download A dedicated reader A general-purpose reader A Web server

中央大學。范錚強 12 Amazon’s Kindle 2 The Sony PRS-200 Barnes and Noble’s Nook iPad Copyright © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice Hall 6-12 Devices for Reading e-Books

中央大學。范錚強 13 Advantages of E-Books Lower cost Portability Easy search capabilities and links Easy downloading Ability to quickly and inexpensively copy material Easy integration of content with other text Easy updating No wear and tear on a physical book Ability to find out-of-print books Books can be published and updated quickly so they can be kept current

中央大學。范錚強 14 Limitations of e-Books They require hardware and software that may be too expensive for some readers Some people have difficulty reading large amounts of material on a screen Batteries may run down There are multiple competing standards ePub, pdb, pdf, …

中央大學。范錚強 15 Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) eC E-commerce model in which consumers sell directly to other consumers.

中央大學。范錚強 16 e-Commerce: C2C Applications C2C Auctions eBay Classified Ads Craiglist Personal Services Napster and Others—File-Sharing Utilities C2C Activities in Social Networks and Trading Virtual Properties

中央大學。范錚強 17 collaborative commerce (c-commerce) The use of digital technologies that enable companies to collaboratively plan, design, develop, manage, and research products, services, and innovative EC applications. 我們在講 SCM 時講過了