Making Sense of Fractions How can you write and model fractions using decimals and percentages?
Equal values Fractions, Percentages, and Decimals are related and can be used to represent the same numeric value. ex. ¼=.25=25% Remember, percent means per 100, so 25 out of 100 is 25%. To write this as a decimal, use the denominator as the place value to get.25
Your Turn Choose 3 fractions and write them in decimal, and percent form. FractionPercentDecimal ex. 1/425%.25
Modeling 1/1=100% ¾ =75% ½=50%¼=25% 0/1= 0% This is one way we see fractions shown as a picture model. Being able to use real life ideas is helpful in learning fractions.
Make a Model Draw a picture or take photos of fractions at work. Use a smartphone and upload them in this slide.
Number Line Placement A number line can be used to compare the value of negative and positive integers. Drag these number to their proper placement on the number line:.17,-.17, ⅘, - ⅘
References Department of Defense Education Activity, Mathematical Standards Grade 6, August Glencoe Math Curriculum Website, McGraw Hill Education, 2010, Concepts in Motion Chapter International Society for Technology in Education, ISTE Standards for Students, 14_ISTE_Standards-S_PDF.pdf 14_ISTE_Standards-S_PDF.pdf Pierce, Rod. (4 Jul 2015). "Math Is Fun Virtual Manipulative". Math Is Fun. Retrieved 4 Jul 2015 from zoom.swf&w=960&h=330&col=%23FFFFFF&title=Zoomable+Number+Line zoom.swf&w=960&h=330&col=%23FFFFFF&title=Zoomable+Number+Line