Entrepreneurship SAE
How are goals set for an entrepreneurship SAE? SAE Program Goals: –starting place for SAE –define desired outcomes –provide motivation Scope: –number of animals, acres, bushels, etc. –efficiency factors (bu/acre) –hours of work
How are goals set for an entrepreneurship SAE? Involvement –tasks to be performed by who? –competencies to be developed Awards –FFA Degrees, Proficiency awards Long-Range SAE goals –road map –identify ways to expand –identify assistance needed –measure of success
How are entrepreneurship SAE programs started? Careful Planning Site of SAE People involved Financial arrangements Record keeping Materials, services, labor contributions Timetable
How is an entrepreneurship SAE planned? Budget –Anticipated Income & Expenses Financing –How much, where? Keeping Records –What kind of records, how? Selecting animals, crops etc.
Why are SAE records so important? Record keeping is a life-long skill Show progress or lack of Aid in future planning Acquiring credit Decision making Income taxes REQUIRED for degrees and awards