CM143 – Web Week 12 Meta Information Assignment 2 Presentations
Meta Information META information is something abstracted from the content but which adds to an overall understanding of it Examples are genre tags in the data tagged onto an mp3 file, or camera exposure settings embedded in a digital photo file Meta tags are also used in html files to provide similar supporting information for a document on the web
Meta Tags in HTML Meta HTML tags appear in the of the document and have a defined structure with a name and content: Meta information can be used by browsers and by search engines to better define a html document. Keywords and descriptions, for example, can aid search engine like google in classifying a page
Assignment 2 Due: Monday 11 May 2008, at 12 noon Subitted at: where mytitle is the project name selected Marking: 50% of overall module mark – Presentation – 10% of overall module mark – Live site – 40 % of overall module mark
Site Grading Criteria Functionality: robustness and reliability across browser platforms, both structural and design; User considerations: navigation style, download times/page weight and clarity; Development: asset management/ file structures and naming; Delivery: was the site delivered as requested?; Accessibility: Does the public online view confirm to WAI priority 1 checkpoints and how well?; Content design: is the information presented clearly and logically in a way that is understandable to the user?; Project Roles: in addition to the written content of the site, there should be a page on the division of work
Presentation Grading Presentations by each group should take no longer than 15 minutes Grading is based on the groups evaluation of 4 sites in the same subject area as the site they intend to create; 2 poor and 2 good quality Students should show an understanding of what makes for good and bad site design in terms of layout, accessibility, usability, navigation, etc Students should show how their site design will fit relative to the sites discussed