Developing a CSU System-Wide VPAT Database Sam Ogami (562) February 2008
Overview Welcome and introductions What is the VPAT Product Database? What will it do? What will it not do? Implementation steps Open discussion
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What I’ve been hearing… “We need something now!” “The wizard is not working.” “I want something to just search for a product.”
CalState VPAT product database VPAT = Voluntary Product Accessibility Template While a long-term solution is being designed, the VPAT Product Database will be an interim storage location where materials can be stored and searched, allowing campuses to rapidly discover the accessibility details of various IT products and share documentation.
The first iteration of the database will have: A search field for products One consistent VPAT format Overview of each product and score card of compliance Ability to easily submit VPATs to database
Why limited feature set in first version Speed to implement the database Need to start populating database with existing VPATs Need input of a workgroup to guide future versions of database
Implementation steps Create a webpage with project status and general information Setup workgroup for database Start to collect feedback for the first version of the database Launch the database
Ideas for future features? Ability to work with each campus’s procurement process Allow input of evaluation of products VPATs Track products that do not have VPATs and request them Suggest products that are more compliant to the ones that you are searching on
Questions and Considerations What are the most important features in database? Who will enter data into the database? Who will keep information up-to-date?
VPAT Product Database Workgroup Help set the priorities of features Meet over the phone twice a month initially