教學的基本歷程 教學的基本歷程 一、 基本的教學活動 一、 基本的教學活動 ( 一 ) 教師在整個教學過程中所要處理的教學活動事 件主要有: ( 一 ) 教師在整個教學過程中所要處理的教學活動事 件主要有: 1. 決定教學的目標 1. 決定教學的目標 2. 決定教學的方法 2. 決定教學的方法 3.


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Presentation transcript:

教學的基本歷程 教學的基本歷程 一、 基本的教學活動 一、 基本的教學活動 ( 一 ) 教師在整個教學過程中所要處理的教學活動事 件主要有: ( 一 ) 教師在整個教學過程中所要處理的教學活動事 件主要有: 1. 決定教學的目標 1. 決定教學的目標 2. 決定教學的方法 2. 決定教學的方法 3. 設計教學計晝 3. 設計教學計晝 4. 準備教材 4. 準備教材 5. 診斷學生起點行為 5. 診斷學生起點行為 6. 激發學習動機 6. 激發學習動機 7. 班級經營管理 7. 班級經營管理 8. 進行學習評量 8. 進行學習評量

八種主要的教學事件乃是一連續不斷的活動歷程, 並非彼此孤立的事件。教師面臨這些事件的處理乃 一連串『做決定』 (decision making) 的過程。教師 如何『做決定』,對於教學效果影響極大。 八種主要的教學事件乃是一連續不斷的活動歷程, 並非彼此孤立的事件。教師面臨這些事件的處理乃 一連串『做決定』 (decision making) 的過程。教師 如何『做決定』,對於教學效果影響極大。 ( 二 ) 師生互動的型態: 1. 以『教師』為中心 1. 以『教師』為中心 在傳統的班級團體中,教師通常是教學的主體,決 定目標、選擇教材、擬定教學計畫、進行評量活動 等,學生在大班級團體教學中較傾向於被動的學習。 在傳統的班級團體中,教師通常是教學的主體,決 定目標、選擇教材、擬定教學計畫、進行評量活動 等,學生在大班級團體教學中較傾向於被動的學習。

2. 以『學生』為中心 在採用個別化教學的情境中,學生通常是 教學活動的重心,教師扮演教學活動經理 人 (manager) 或協助者 (facilitator) 的角色, 由學生主動學習,課程、教材、評量都應 適應學生的個別差異和需要 。 在採用個別化教學的情境中,學生通常是 教學活動的重心,教師扮演教學活動經理 人 (manager) 或協助者 (facilitator) 的角色, 由學生主動學習,課程、教材、評量都應 適應學生的個別差異和需要 。

二、 教學前的準備活動 1. 決定教學的目標 1. 決定教學的目標 教學目標通常是以可觀察的具體行為表現 為依據:教師在敘述其教學所要達成的目 標宜採取行為目標的方式才能具體地顯現 目標是否被達成。 教學目標通常是以可觀察的具體行為表現 為依據:教師在敘述其教學所要達成的目 標宜採取行為目標的方式才能具體地顯現 目標是否被達成。 2. 決定教學的方法 2. 決定教學的方法

3. 設計教學計晝 3. 設計教學計晝 一般而言,教學計畫指單元計晝 (unit plan) 及每課 計晝 (lesson plan) 。在教學單元計晝中通常包括 預期學習目標的敘述、所要採取的教學方法、所 要提供的教材內容及學習成果的評量方武等。 一般而言,教學計畫指單元計晝 (unit plan) 及每課 計晝 (lesson plan) 。在教學單元計晝中通常包括 預期學習目標的敘述、所要採取的教學方法、所 要提供的教材內容及學習成果的評量方武等。 4. 準備教材 4. 準備教材 教師應將教材內容有系統地安排,使其能配合學 生的學習步驟而逐步呈現。教具和相關儀器更應 在設計教學計晝的同時加以考慮並事先準備好。 教師應將教材內容有系統地安排,使其能配合學 生的學習步驟而逐步呈現。教具和相關儀器更應 在設計教學計晝的同時加以考慮並事先準備好。

三、實際教學行為分析 ( 一 ) 診斷學生的起點行為 (entry behavior) :指 學生現有的能力、經驗、興趣、態度、成 就等與某種學習任務有關的因素。教師對 學生的這些特質瞭解愈多,更能掌握學生 的個別差異,教學會更符合學生的需要。 要了解學生的起點行為通常可以查閱學生 的學籍資料及測驗資料。

Event 1: Gaining Attention Learning cannot occur unless the learner is in some way oriented and receptive to incoming information. Gaining attention is accomplished by some sort of stimulus change: calling out particular students' names, using verbal signals, turning the lights on and off... Learning cannot occur unless the learner is in some way oriented and receptive to incoming information. Gaining attention is accomplished by some sort of stimulus change: calling out particular students' names, using verbal signals, turning the lights on and off... Event 2: Informing the Learner of the Objective Holding an expectancy about what one is to learn will influence subsequent processing of information related to that expectancy. If learners are aware and prepared to learn certain information, they will be more alert to any stimuli related to that goal. Holding an expectancy about what one is to learn will influence subsequent processing of information related to that expectancy. If learners are aware and prepared to learn certain information, they will be more alert to any stimuli related to that goal.

Establishing Expectancy: (1) simple statement of instructional goals (2) references to what students will be able to do after instruction (3) demonstrations of anticipated learning outcomes

Event 3: Stimulating Recall of Prior Learning Students do not always call to mind and use relevant information when faced with a new learning task. Therefore, to prepare learners for encoding or transfer, instructor should assist them in recalling relevant and prerequisite information. Ways of stimulating recall of prior learning (1) quick reviews of what was studied the day before (2) reinstate the prerequisite knowledge or skills by some practice activity

Considerable effort is often required for learners to transfer prior knowledge to new situations. Learners may simply find it easier to ask someone else for the answer than to figure it out for themselves => Students should be prompted in ways that promote their persistence in "sticking with it." => Students should be prompted in ways that promote their persistence in "sticking with it."

Event 4: Presenting the Stimulus This event of instruction depends on what is to be learned. For all types of outcomes, the stimulus presentation should emphasize distinctive features or essential elements of the desired outcome in order to facilitate the processes of pattern recognition and selective perception. This event of instruction depends on what is to be learned. For all types of outcomes, the stimulus presentation should emphasize distinctive features or essential elements of the desired outcome in order to facilitate the processes of pattern recognition and selective perception.

Event 5: Providing Learning Guidance Instructional activities should promote the entry of what is to be learned into long-term memory in a meaningful way. How much learning guidance to provide depends on several factors: (1) the ability and sophistication of the learners, (1) the ability and sophistication of the learners, e.g., very able students => less guidance e.g., very able students => less guidance (2) the amount of time available for instruction, (2) the amount of time available for instruction, (3) the presence of multiple learning goals (3) the presence of multiple learning goals e.g., when the process or experience of learning and problem solving is to be emphasized => discovery learning is stressed (minimal learning guidance of a highly directive nature) e.g., when the process or experience of learning and problem solving is to be emphasized => discovery learning is stressed (minimal learning guidance of a highly directive nature)

Event 6: Eliciting Performance Enables the learners to confirm their learning--to themselves, their teachers, and others. It requires the learner to produce a performance, something that is an appropriate indicator of what was learned. Enables the learners to confirm their learning--to themselves, their teachers, and others. It requires the learner to produce a performance, something that is an appropriate indicator of what was learned. This event provides an opportunity to gauge progress; with the assumption that errors are still undergoing correction and performance is still being improved. This event provides an opportunity to gauge progress; with the assumption that errors are still undergoing correction and performance is still being improved.

Event 7: Providing Feedback Having shown what they can do, learners should be provided Informative feedback on their performance: (1) for knowledge and skills that call for discrete answers => telling the learners whether or not their answers are correct. telling the learners whether or not their answers are correct. If incorrect, feedback should assist learners in detecting and correcting their errors.

(2) for motor skills => showing learners how to improve their current skill (3) for cognitive strategy learning => inform learners as to how their performance might become more strategic or more creative creative

Event 8: Assessing Performance After learners have had opportunities to demonstrate and refine their knowledge, it may be formally assessed. This event is typically carried out through unit or chapter tests, projects, portfolios, skill demonstration, etc. It is desirable for each correct performance to be given suitable feedback.

Event 9: Enhancing Retention and Transfer (1) A variety of examples and contexts are critical learning conditions for learners to be able to transfer intellectual skills appropriately. => Event 5 (2) Spaced reviews facilitate retention of intellectual and motor skills => Event 6 & Event 7

Does effective instruction depend on the inclusion of all nine events of instruction? => the choice of instructional events Is the teacher or instructional designer always responsible for their own instruction? => who makes that choice? => depend on the nature of the learning situation