GODLY HOMES In an ungodly world (4) An ongoing study of the Home as God’s Word teaches.
Divorce and remarriage (2)
A modern tragic example This past week, Kim Kardashian filed for divorce after just 72 days of marriage. The mixed reactions of society demonstrate the attitudes we are dealing with.
In Our Last Lesson Divorce ALWAYS involves sin! Marriage intended for life He hates divorce (Mal. 2:13-16) You cannot divorce for just any reason (Matt. 5:32- 32, etc.
Definitions Marriage – the joining together of a man and woman as husband and wife which becomes the foundation for a home and family Gen. 2:24, Matt. 19:6
Definitions Divorce – the dissolving of such a relationship either in the eyes of man (unscriptural) or in the eyes of God and man (conditions recognized by God) Matt. 19:8-9
Definitions Remarriage – Entering into a second marriage with another spouse after a previous marriage is dissolved, either scripturally or unscripturally (adulterous) Matt. 5:31-32
Definitions Fornication – “sexual immorality” “Its general meaning refers to every kind of illegal sexual intercourse, that is, any intercourse except that between a husband and wife” Tyndale Bible Dictionary
Definitions Fornication – Israel’s unfaithfulness to God (Ezek. 16:15, 22, Hos, 9:1, etc.) Associated with various forms of unlawful sexual relations – adultery, homosexuality, incest, harlotry, bestiality, etc.
Definitions Adultery – “Denotes one who has unlawful intercourse with the spouse of another.” Vine’s Expository Dictionary Adultery is committing fornication while married. It involves relations with someone other than your lawful spouse. “Adultery involves married persons…” Nelson
Who Can Remarry? A very divisive subject. Primarily because of the emotions involved. The problem is that man doesn’t like what God’s word says about the subject.
Who Can Remarry? Are there marriages that God doesn’t recognize? Matt. 14:3-4, Herodias, Herod’s brother Philip’s wife Ezra 9-10, esp. 10:2-4, 10 – the people had married those God specifically forbade
Who Can Remarry? Are there marriages that God doesn’t recognize? Matt. 5:31-32 – to marry her who has been divorced is to commit adultery.
Who Can Remarry? Scriptural reasons for remarriage Death of a spouse – Rom. 7:3 For the cause of fornication Matt. 19:8-9 –
Who Can Remarry? The “cause of fornication” “Therefore what God has joined together, do not let man separate” Matt. 19:6 THIS IS THE RULE!!!!
Who Can Remarry? The “cause of fornication” Why did Moses permit divorce? Stubbornness but, “From the beginning it was not so” Matt. 19:8 God’s intent for marriage predated the Law of Moses
Who Can Remarry? The “cause of fornication” In Matt. 19:8-9, Jesus gives a single exception, “and I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another commits adultery.”
Who Can Remarry? The “cause of fornication” Matt. 19:9, a provision for the innocent party, the one who is divorcing his wife (or husband – Mk. 10:12 ) The wording makes NO provision for the divorced party
Who Can Remarry? The “cause of fornication” Matt. 19:9, “and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery” (see Matt. 5:31-32 ) The one acted against. This qualifies the previous statement.
Who Can Remarry? ARE you truly innocent? While adultery is NEVER justifiable, we need to examine ourselves: Have I been faithful in my role? 1 Cor. 7:1-5 Have I been selfish? Have I acted ungodly toward my spouse?
May we live so that these issues do not become an issue!