Object Oriented Data Models L19
Topics Objects in PHP –Generalisation –Polymorphism –Reusable classes –Objects and Databases Next week –Data modelling patterns - Fowler
Tenets of the Relational model Data in 1NF relations - no repeated fields Data in 3NF relations - no redundant data Field values drawn from small range of supplied data types Relationships require join operation Basic CRUD operations Passive - changes only when UPDATEd Balanced implementation- updates and read
Common applications Core business processing –Accounting systems –Order processing –Stock control Administrative systems –student records –admissions –bookings
Tricky application domains Design systems - CAD, CAM, CASE Text searching - search engine Multi-media, hyper-media systems - images, video, audio, complex networks Spatial data - Geographic Information Systems Decision support systems - analysis of large body of ‘static’ data Real-time active systems - air-traffic control
Complex entities Electronic components in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) system Mechanical components in a Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) system Software requirements, specifications and components in a CASE environment Multi-media documents - text, images and sounds in multimedia document managers Spatial or geographic data, such as geometric figures and maps in a Geographic Information System (GIS)
Objects and entities Can view as extension of Entity- Relationship modelling Entity type = = class – roughly = table definition – part of schema Entity instance = = object –roughly= row –part of factbase –+ OID Object Identifier to ensure uniqueness –+ type ref so Object is not tied to table
Class Defines the attributes of the objects of that kind –attributes may be basic types - strings, numbers, dates array or object encapsulated in object references to other objects –methods constructor - to create a new object accessors - to access attributes, compute derived data modifiers - to change attributes
A PHP class <?php class emp { var $name, $sal, $comm; function emp($n,$s,$c) { $this->name=$n; $this->sal=$s; $this->comm=$c; } function yearsal() { return $this->sal * 12 + $this->comm; } $x = new emp('Jones', 200, 5); print_r($x); $xsal = $x->yearsal(); print ("$x->name earns $xsal per annum");
PHP v Java Object orientation in PHP4 is rather minimal by comparison with Java PHP variables are untyped All variables publicly accessible PHP $this === Java self (and no default) PHP -> === Java.
Inheritance Salaried staff and contract staff are exclusive categories, but they overlap in specification – all are ‘employees’ and share some common characteristics employee Salaried staff contractor Is a Common attributes Common methods Local attributes Local methods (new or replacement)
Generalisation and Specialisation class employee { var $name; function yearsal() { return false; } function initial() { return substr($this->name,0,1); } class salaried extends employee { var $sal, $comm; function salaried($n,$s,$c) { $this->name=$n; $this->sal=$s; $this->comm=$c; } function yearsal() { return $this->sal * 12 + $this->comm; } class contractor extends employee { var $rate, $days; function contractor($n,$r,$d) { $this->name=$n; $this->rate=$r; $this->days=$d; } function yearsal() { return $this->rate * $this->days; }
Creating and using Objects $x = new salaried ('Fred', 100, 99); $xsal= $x->yearsal(); $i = $x->initial(); print ("$i $x->name earns $xsal per annum "); $y = new contractor('Joe', 10, 300); $ysal= $y->yearsal(); print ("$y->name earns $ysal per annum "); Output is F Fred earns 1299 per annum Joe earns 3000 per annum
Polymorphism Many shapes An ‘employee’ object may be really a ‘salaried’ object or a ‘contractor’ object Sometimes we want to treat as an instance of the generalisation (employee), sometimes as the special case (salaried or contractor)
Power of Polymorphism class company { var $name, $staff; function company($n) { $this->name = $n; } function employ($s) { $this->staff[] = $s; } function yearsal() { $tot = 0; foreach($this->staff as $person) { $tot = $tot + $person->yearsal(); } return $tot; } $c = new company("University of the West of England"); $c->employ($x); $c->employ($y); $csal= $c->yearsal(); print ("$c->name pays $csal per annum "); University of the West of England pays 4299 per annum
How does it work? In the calculation loop, each employee is accessed in turn. When the function annualsal() is called, it is the version appropriate to the objects base class which is used, so the appropriate calculation is performed.
Object References In a relational model, rows are related by shared values –the deptno in an Emp row = the deptno in a Dept row Objects have a system-generated unique identifier (across all objects, not just the rows in a single table like an auto_increment column) References can be stored as an attribute of another object
Emps and Depts class dept { var $name, $location, $manager; function dept($n, $l, $m) { $this->name = $n; $this->location = $l; $this->manager = $m; } $d = new dept("Accounting","Swindon", & $x); // print("Department $d->name is managed by $d->manager->name "); // cant chain in PHP 4.3 $boss = $d->manager; print("Department $d->name is managed by $boss->name "); Department Accounting is managed by Fred
Reflection Reflection refers to the ability of a program to find out about itself For example, there are functions to: –Get the class of an object –Get the superclass of an object –Get the names of the class methods (functions) –Get the names of the class variables Classes could be called ‘self-describing’
Reflection code $class= get_class($x); $super = get_parent_class($x); print ("$x->name is a $class ($super) "); $class= get_class($y); $super = get_parent_class($y); print ("$y->name is a $class ($super) "); Fred is a salaried (employee) Joe is a contractor (employee)
User-defined types Codd’s relational model has ‘domains’ – commercial RDBMS and programming languages provide only standard types with standard functions (integer, string, date) Applications require –restrictions on standard types e.g. restricted values - can sometimes use Constraints to enforce –types defined by several values bound together eg international currency requires amount and currency code –functions which operate on these types eg to convert between 2 international currencies
0 0 < 1Calm Light air Light breeze Gentle breeze Moderate breeze Fresh breeze Strong breeze Near gale Gale Strong gale Storm Violent storm 1212>= 64Hurricane Beaufort Scale
Degree classification fail pass rd st
Relational DB using a theta join Grade table class min max fail034 pass3539 3rd4049 Student table name mark fred38 sally57 Getting the class select name, class from student, grade where mark between min and max;
Common problems Converting a wind speed in Beaufort scale –25 knots is Force 6 Converting average mark on degree to an Honours classification –56 marks is a 2.1
fail pass 3rd st Honours Grades topmark mark class classInterval class classlist classification name
Classification name : varchar getClass(mark : number) : string classInterval topMark : number class : String 1..*
Reusable Types This Classification type is OK for Honours grades But can we use it for Beaufort scale too?. Three approaches –Use Classification type (but the names will all be wrong) –Create another similar type with ‘wind’ name (wasted work) –Generalise the Classification type with more neutral names (can be hard to find good names and not so readable) We can generalise the names –classInterval > range –topmark > limit –class > value –classification > rangeFunction –getClass() > getValue()
rangeFunction name : string getValue(val : number) : string range limit : number value : String 1..*
class range { var $limit, $value; function range($l,$v) { $this->limit = $l; $this->value = $v; } class rangeFunction { var $name, $ranges; function rangeFunction($n) { $this->name= $n; } function addRange($r) { $this->ranges[]=$r; } function getValue($val) { foreach($this->ranges as $r ) { if ($val limit) { return $r->value; } return false; }
$pr = new rangeFunction("Prices"); $r = new range(9, 9); $pr->addRange ($r); $r = new range(19, 7); $pr->addRange ($r); $r = new range(99, 5); $pr->addRange ($r); $r = new range( , 4); $pr->addRange ($r); //print_r($pr); for($i=0;$i<200;$i+=5) { $price = $pr->getValue($i); $cost = $i * $price; print("price for $i at £$price is £$cost "); } price for 0 at £9 is £0 price for 5 at £9 is £45 price for 10 at £7 is £70 price for 15 at £7 is £105 price for 20 at £5 is £100 price for 25 at £5 is £125
Where can we use this class? Honours grades Beaufort scale Salary grades Discount rates for multiple purchase Tax rate bands...
Objects and Databases Objects don’t fit well into a RDBMS –How many tables would the Beaufort Scale require? –Some RDBMS have stored procedures but not integrated with data Object-Relational databases (e.g. Oracle 9i) try to bridge the gap by adding types, methods, inheritance, references but not popular J2EE and.NET do the mapping to and from Objects in the Middle tier.
Row to Object mapping class person { var $usercode,$familyname, $givenname, $job, $dept, $ext, $homephone, $room, $fullname; var $dblink; function person($db) { $this->dblink = $db; } function get($username) { $res = mysql_query("select * from staff where username='$username'",$this->dblink); if (!$e = mysql_fetch_object($res) ) return false; $this->username = $e->username; $this->givenname = $e->givenname; $this->familyname = $e->familyname; $this->ext = $e->ext; $this->homephone =''; $this->room = $e->room; $this->fullname = $this->givenname. ' '. $this->familyname; } function put() { $res = mysql_query("update staff set givenname='$this->givenname', familyname = '$this->familyname', ext= '$this->ext', room= '$this->room' where username='$this->username'", $this->dblink); return $res; } function show() { print(" $this->fullname is in Room $this->room on Ext. $this->ext "); }
Testing $x = new person( $db); $x->get('CW'); $x->show(); $x->ext= $x->ext+1; $x->put($db); $y = new person($db); $y->get('CW'); $y->show(); Chris Wallace is in Room 3P14 on Ext Chris Wallace is in Room 3P14 on Ext
Tutorial work Exercises –Update the Rose model to show the OO features –A new subtype for Volunteers who get paid a flat annual fee –Salgrade table as an object in PHP