LDL transports cholesterol to cells HDL transports cholesterol to liver
LDL + cholesterol can form thrombus = clot Hemorheologic–hemodynamic theory: Slowed blood flow = mechanism for cholesterol buildup on arterial walls
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Delivery of oxygen by the coronary arteries LESS THAN Oxygen demand of the myocardial cell ~ ml/min Excercising 200 ml/min Rest Exercise 1000 ml/min ~ 1000 ml/min NORMAL Myocardium uses > 75% of oxygen delivered to it!!!!!!!
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) Delivery of oxygen by the coronary arteries LESS THAN Oxygen demand of the myocardial cell ~ ml/min Blockage of coronary = reduced flow….but there is no margin for reduced flow Excercising 200 ml/min Rest Exercise 1000 ml/min ~ 1000 ml/min NORMAL Clots & Narrowing Reduce Flow
Ischemic Cycling