ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory1 講師:莫明鳳、葉咏蓁 2003/11/4.


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Presentation transcript:

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory1 講師:莫明鳳、葉咏蓁 2003/11/4

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory2/47 Reference 參考資料 Oracle Inventory student guide I, II, III 企業資源規劃 - 製造業管理篇, 葉宏謨 ERP 企業資源規劃, 中央大學 ERP 研究中心 大陸 AMT group APICS 搜尋網站

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory3 庫存 Inventory 出貨作業 Picking Shipping 客戶訂單 SO 主生產排程 MPS 粗略產能 規劃 RCCP 物料需求 規劃 MRP 請購作業 PR 採購作業 PO 收料作業 Receiving 生產方式 Discrete Repetitive Flow Project Process 生產發料 Issue 生產控制 製程移轉 Move Transaction 生產入庫 Completion Transaction 產能需求 規劃 CRP 應付帳款 立帳 Invoice 付款作業 Payment 票據管理 成本管理 Cost Management 主需求排程 MDS 固定資產管理 Assets 供應鍊管理 最佳化排程 APS 銷售預測 FCST 統一發 票管理 收款作業 Receipts 應收帳款 立帳 Invoice Oracle ERP Overview

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory4/47 Outline Inventory Overview 庫存概觀 –Inventory introduction 庫存簡介 –Inventory components 庫存要素 –Inventory theory 庫存理論 Oracle Inventory Flow Process 庫存流程 –Inventory Enterprise Structure 企業結構 –Item 物料 –Inventory Control 庫存控制 –Miscellaneous Transaction 雜項交易 –Accuracy control 正確性控制 –Planning 規劃

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory5/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control 庫存控制 –Locator control 儲位控制 –Revision control 版本控制 –Lot control 批量控制 –Serial number control 序號控制 Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory6/47 Locator Control 儲位控制 Track items by rack and bin locators. Assign default shipping locators for items. Assign default receiving locators for items. Restrict items to particular locators. Use locators in a material transaction

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory7/47 Locator Control 儲位控制 SubinventorySubinventory Locator Organization Item with locator control in this subinventory Item without locator control in this subinventory

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory8/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control –Locator control 儲位控制 –Revision control 版本控制 –Lot control 批量控制 –Serial number control 序號控制 Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory9/47 Revision Control 版本控制 Track items by revision information. Enter a miscellaneous receipt with revision control. Enter a engineering change order with revision number. Revision A Revision B

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory10/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control –Locator control 儲位控制 –Revision control 版本控制 –Lot control 批量控制 –Serial number control 序號控制 Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory11/47 Lot Control 批量控制 Track specific batches of items. Regulate the use of perishable items. Enable lot and shelf life control of items. Lot #032698

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory12/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control –Locator control 儲位控制 –Revision control 版本控制 –Lot control 批量控制 –Serial number control 序號控制 Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory13/47 Serial Number Control 序號控制 Track individual units of items that you store and transact in your organization. Track items that you want to maintain very tight control. SN #

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ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory18/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction 雜項交易 Accuracy control Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory19/47 原料倉 出貨倉成品倉 工程倉 Inventory Organization 1 庫房調撥 Misc. Transactions Inventory Organization 2 原料倉成品倉 採購 ( 供應商 ) 檢驗 在製品 ( 工單 ) 收料 收料入庫 工單領料 完工入庫 雜項收發 跨組織調撥 客戶 訂單出貨 盤點計畫 盤點調整 成本變動 成本更新 RMA 收貨

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory20/47 Misc. Transactions Organization Miscellaneous Receipt 雜項收料 Miscellaneous Issue 雜項發料 Organization 組織 Subinventory Transfer 倉庫間移轉 Subinventory 倉庫 Subinventory Locator 儲位 Locator Locator

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory21/47 Misc. Transactions Organization Organization 組織 Subinventory 倉庫 Subinventory Locator 儲位 Locator Locator Direct Inter-organization Transfer 組織間移轉 Inter-organization Transfer by Way of Intransit 組織間移轉

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory22/47

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory23/47

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory24/47 Practice (4)~(5) Miscellaneous transaction –Account Receipt of INVFG%###-01 –Query on-hand Qty –INVFG%###-01 Responsibility –Inventory, Vision Operations (USA)

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory25/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control 正確性控制 –Overview 概觀 –Physical inventory 實體盤點 –ABC analysis ABC 分析 –Cycle counting 循環盤點 Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory26/47 Overview 概觀 Why need accuracy control? Reasons –Effective planning –Minimizing inventory investment Methods –Physical inventory 實體盤點 –ABC analysis ABC 分析 –Cycle counting 循環盤點

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory27/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control 正確性控制 –Overview 概觀 –Physical inventory 實體盤點 –ABC analysis ABC 分析 –Cycle counting 循環盤點 Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory28/47 Physical Inventory Flow 制定盤點時程計畫 凍結庫存 列印盤點清冊、盤點卡 實際盤點 輸入實際盤點數量 盤點差異列印 盤差盈虧調整 庫存凍結解除 盤點差異對策分析

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory29/47 Physical Inventory Flow 實際盤點 初盤 item 負責人員 複盤 交叉盤點 抽盤 會計師

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory30/47 Oracle Physical Inventory Define physical inventory Snapshot of on-hand quantities Generate tags Count Items Enter counts Approve counts Run adjustment program 定義盤點 快照系統數量 產生盤點卡 實際盤點數量 輸入盤點數量 確認盤點數量 盤點差異入帳

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory31/47 Define physical inventory Snapshot of on-hand quantities Generate tags Count Items Enter counts Approve counts Run adjustment program Physical Inv. v.s Oracle Physical Inv. 制定盤點時程計畫 凍結庫存 列印盤點清冊、盤點卡 實際盤點 輸入實際盤點數量 盤點差異列印 盤差盈虧調整 庫存凍結解除 盤點差異對策分析

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory32/47 Define Physical Inventory & Snapshot

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory33/47 Generate Tags

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory34/47 Enter Counts

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory35/47 Approve Counts

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory36/47 Run Adjustment Program

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory37/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control –Overview 概觀 –Physical inventory 實體盤點 –ABC analysis ABC 分析 –Cycle counting 循環盤點 Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory38/47 ABC Analysis Define ABC compilation Define ABC classes Define ABC group Assign Items to ABC classes Update class assignments

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory39/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control –Overview 概觀 –Physical inventory 實體盤點 –ABC analysis ABC 分析 –Cycle counting 循環盤點 Planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory40/47 Cycle Count High-Value Item to Count Low-Value Item to Count High-Value Item to Count Low-Value Item to Count High-Value Item to Count Low-Value Item to Count Day 1 of Cycle Count Day 2 of Cycle Count Day 3 of Cycle Count Computer Printer Computer Mouse Computer Printer

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory41/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control Planning 規劃 –Reorder point 、 EOQ 再訂購點、經濟訂購量 –Min-max planning 最大最小法

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory42/47 Reorder Point 再訂購點 Quantity Time Reorder Point Safety Stock Lead Time Reorder Quantity

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory43/47 EOQ 經濟訂購量

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory44/47 Reorder Point Steps Enter item-planning attributes. Forecast item demand. Define safety stocks. Run reorder-point report.

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory45/47 Oracle Inventory Flow Inventory Enterprise Structure Item Inventory Control Miscellaneous Transaction Accuracy control Planning –Reorder point 、 EOQ –Min-max planning

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory46/47 Min-max Planning Enter item-planning attributes. Define subinventory-level info. (optional) Run min-max report.

ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2003/11/4Oracle Inventory47/47 問題討論