TIME MANAGEMENT NEVER used the word’s “I am busy”
TIME MANAGEMENT IS LIFE MANAGEMENT To realize the value of one year: Ask the student who has failed his final exam. To realize the value of one month: Ask the mother who has given birth to a premature baby. To realize the value of one week: Ask the editor of a weekly newspaper. To realize the value of one day: Ask the daily wage earner who has 10 kids to feed.
“Better late than never” is not half so good a maxim as “Better never late” - Pericles
Classification of Time.. Jack Loughary of the University of Oregon classification of time 1.Sold Time 2.Maintenance Time 3.Discretionary Time
Classification of Time.. Sold Time The time that one exchanges to get something in return. Some examples are time spent working for an employer (for money) or time spent in studying (for a qualification)
Classification of Time.. The time spent doing things that are necessary to maintain oneself ( eating, sleeping, cleaning, dressing etc.) as well as maintaining others. Maintenance Time
Classification of Time.. The time that remains at one’s disposal, and can be spent in any way that one likes Discretionary Time
Increasing Discretionary Time It's important to calculate time for yourself a. A daily total of each type of time b. The weekly total time for each type It is advisable to increase the discretionary time, since it is at your disposal, and can be therefore utilized more effectively. Any increase in Discretionary time requires reduction in Maintenance and Sold Time. Performing your Sold and Maintenance time activities more efficiently in the shortest time possible would help increase your Discretionary time.
Calculate the amount of time you spend everyday on different activities. It will help you understand how much discretionary time you possess.
MAXIM OF PLANNING Alice is at the crossroads and meets a Cheshire cat. She asks the cat, “Where do I go from here?" The cat asks, “Where do you want to go?” She responds “Anywhere”. The cat then replies, “Then you take any road, it really doesn't matter. You will reach anywhere.”
NEITHER URGENT NOR IMPORTANT 1. Gossiping 2. Reading trivia/glossy magazines 3. Shopping for fun 4. Watching the whole of a cricket match (live) 5. Internet surfing for fun 6. Visiting friends and neighbors aimlessly 7. Watching a movie that has already been watched 8. Taking unnecessary interest in others' personal matters 9. Channel-surfing on T.V. 10. Making long telephone calls aimlessly.
PRECEPT OF PRIORITIZING URGENT AND IMPORTANT TASK 1. Repairing of vehicles 2. Telephone repair 3. Electricity repair 4. Resumptions of water supply 5. T.V./Cable repair 6. Preparing for the forthcoming marriage of a family member 7. Attending the wedding of someone close 8. Attending a funeral/cremation/condolence meeting 9. Replying business 10. Learning the intricacies of a new job 11. Understanding the functioning of a new machine 12. Consulting a physician on the illness of a family member and oneself
THE VALUE OF A DIARY The Mobile Diary Table Diary Events Diary
DO IT NOW: AVOID PROCRASTINATION Let us look at some causes of procrastination Natural laziness Incompetence or inexperience in handling a task Unpleasant tasks Cluttering of routine activities Lack of willpower Fear of the unknown Fear of failure Bad habits Waiting for more information One may think if he puts it off, someone else will do it
What is Your Typical Day? Now that you have calculated your undefined time in a day, think of how you could utilize that time better..
What is Your Typical Day? Activity24 HoursYour Day75 Years Sleep722 Work1032 Bathroom Eating Family13 Socializing13 Total Undefined
Self Test HOW WISELY DO YOU MANAGE YOUR TIME? Tick the column that represents your time management style: Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never 1. Do you write to-do lists daily? 2. Do you prioritize your to-do lists so that you are able to do the most important things first? 3. Do you finish most of the items on your to-do lists?
Self Test Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never 4. Do you strike a balance between the demands of your self, family and profession while planning your day? 5. Is your desk clean and organized? 6. Do you put everything in place? 7. Do you deal effectively with interruptions? 8. Can you easily find the needed information in your files? 9. Are you cheerful during work?
Self Test Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never 10. Do you allow yourself quiet time during which you can work undisturbed every day? 11. Do you deal effectively with callers who talk for long on the telephone? 12. Do you focus on preventing problems before they arise instead of solving them after they arise? 13. Do you make the best use of your time? 14.Do you meet deadlines with time to spare?
Self Test Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never 15. Are you punctual at work, meetings and events? 16. Do the subordinates cooperate enthusiastically on tasks? 17. Do you delegate tasks well? 18. When you are interrupted, can you return to your work without losing momentum? 19.Do you do something every day that moves you closer to your long-range goals?
Self Test Mostly Sometimes Rarely Never 20. Can you relax during your free time without worrying about work? 21. Do people know the best time to approach you? 22. Do you do your most important work during your peak energy hours? 23.Can others carry on most of your responsibilities if you are absent from work? 24. Do you begin and finish tasks/projects on time? 25. Do you handle each piece of paper work only once?
Don’t count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count.. Time is PRICELESS.