THE END OF THE TROUBLES New Tsar chosen by Zemskii Sobor: MIKHAIL ROMANOV Restoration of order & rebuilding of monarchy & society Triumph of autocracy Increased centralization Church gained authority Service gentry benefited
A NEW DYNASTY THE END OF THE TROUBLES But not everyone benefited Boyars: numbers reduced, now tied in service to tsar Common people: continued to lose freedoms & be subjugated
A NEW DYNASTY REIGN OF MIKHAIL I ( ) Assumed power over devastated country Worked with Zemskii Sobor & Boyar Duma Dominated by father, Patriarch Filaret Set out stabilizing & rebuilding
A NEW DYNASTY REIGN OF ALEXEI ( ) Old crises, new problems, accomplishments Revolt in 1648 Administrative reform: ULOZHENIE (1649) Stenka (Stepan) Razin uprising ( ) Control of Ukraine
A NEW DYNASTY THE CHURCH Power of Church grew with Muscovy Important unifying force during Time of Troubles
A NEW DYNASTY RASKOL: THE SCHISM Patriarch Nikon calls for return to authentic Byzantine ritual stirs major opposition
A NEW DYNASTY RASKOL: THE SCHISM Causes break in Church Church Council of 1667 affirms Nikon’s “corrections” Old Believers break away Archpriest Avvakum burned at stake, followers persecuted “Boyarina Morozova Arrested for her Beliefs”