IHS Special Diabetes Program Competitive Grants Part 2: Refining Idea Maps Diabetes Prevention Planning Cynthia C. Phillips, Ph.D. Lisa Wyatt Knowlton, Ed.D. Evaluation Training ̶ January 2005
Part 2: Overview Why? Introduction to Thinking More Strategically Idea Map Refining Basics “Hands-on” Idea Map Revision Exercise
Avoiding Potential Pitfalls Blind Spots Lack of Knowledge is the Problem Access = Action or Knowing = Doing Treatment Trickle (too little of too much) Activities = Outcomes
What is a Strategy? The full allocation of resources in an all out effort to achieve an overwhelming impact on a clearly defined outcome.
Connecting Strategy to Results RECRUITMENT STRATEGIES & ACTIVITIES RECRUITS Possible Recruits
Taking A Closer Look…
Programs Are Best When… Program results/outcomes are well defined and described (specific) Meaningful process and outcome information can be collected (measurable) The intended users of the evaluation results have agreed on how they will use the information (action-oriented) Program activities are ones that are known to work with the targeted-type participants (realistic) How long it will likely take to “see” results is specified (timed)
Strategies & Activities Dose Frequency Intensity Time
Outcome Review Questions Do the outcomes reflect reasonable, progressive steps toward impact? Do the outcomes address awareness, attitudes, perceptions, knowledge, skills, and/ or behavior of participants? Does it seem fair or reasonable to hold the program accountable for the outcomes specified? Are the outcomes specific, measurable, action- oriented, realistic, and timed (S.M.A.R.T.)?
Activity & Output Review Questions Are activities listed feasible and appropriate for the outcomes listed? Are any activities necessary to achieving the outcomes listed missing? Are a variety of participants/audiences taken in to account when specifying appropriate activities.Are target participants and/or partners described and quantified? Are events, products, or services listed described as in terms of a treatment or dose (F.I.T.)? Is the intensity of the intervention or treatment appropriate for the type of participant targeted? Is the duration of the intervention or treatment appropriate for the type of participant targeted?
Resource Review Questions Is the list of resources complete? Are any resources necessary to achieving the outcomes listed missing? Are all activities listed connected to sufficient resources (volume--$ amount, # staff, etc)? Are all listed activities matched with resources of appropriate quality (capacity, skill, experience)?
Refining an Idea Map Example: Family Harmony
Example IHS Theory of Change IM
Example SAMPLE Diabetes IM SAMPLE - Diabetes Prevention Program Idea Map * optional, for demonstration only Outcomes Inputs/Resources Activities* Outputs Short Term Long Term Impact Individual Activities Community Activities Case Mgrs/ Counselors Communi- cation Resources Clinical Services Social Marketing Skills Prior Health Ed Experience Diabetes Burden Tip Sheets on Diabetes Diabetes Fair Exercise Plan Diabetes PSAs Lifestyle Coaching Nutrition Education XX% have tips XX Patients in Lifestyle Coaching for XX weeks XX Patients in Nutrition Ed for XX weeks XXXX Contacts Established Better Health Status - Improved Awareness re Diabetes -Increased Physical Activity -Reduced Blood Pressure -New Attitudes -New Skills Participant Prospects XX Patients in Exercise for XX weeks Reduced Diabetes Incidence Knowledge re Effective Health Programming Recruit, Select, Engage Pre-Diabetic
Example SAMPLE Diabetes Single Activity IM SAMPLE –Diabetes Prevention Curriculum Strand Idea Map * optional, for demonstration only Outcomes Inputs/Resources Activities* Outputs ShortTerm Long Term Impact Session 1. Session 2. Session 16. Curriculum, Coaching Support and Monitoring Case Mgrs/ Coaches Prior Health Ed Experience Diabetes Burden session attended & understanding occurs session attended & understanding occurs session attended & understanding occurs Better Health Status Positive Changes in Awareness, Knowledge, Skills, Behavior Participant Prospects Recruit, Select, Engage Pre-Diabetics Reduced Diabetes Incidence Knowledge re Effective Diabetes Prevention
Revising Your Idea Map 1.Present your recruitment idea map to another team 2.Ask them to apply the checklist to it 3.Switch 4.Edit your idea map as needed
Part 3: More Practice 1.Prepare an idea map for your retention strategy 2.Present this idea map to another team 3.Ask them to apply the checklist to it 4.Switch 5.Edit your idea map as needed