Norwegian research council’s Publication grants to Scholarly Journals Presentation to NSSJP meeting November 25th 2009 Rune R. Schjølberg, senior advisor
Background Norwegian research council covers all academic disciplines From 2001 publication grants only available for Arts & Humanities and Social sciences Key rationale for funding scheme Importance of Norwegian language National/Nordic topics Limited market possibilities for Norwegian publications + New bibliometrics to describe publication patterns within A&H and Social sciences
Academic publication in Norway – channels and language ( )
Publication grants for the Arts & humanities and Social sciences (PUBL) Supports scholarly journals and publication of scientific monographs and anthologies High scientific quality as key criteria Support internationalization of Norwegian research through non- Scandinavian publications Budget 2009: 5,3 mill NOK (€ ) Scholarly journals (60%) Books (40%) 6 member publication grants panel appointed for 3 years Rapport presented in September 2009 to the Division board Description and “evaluation” of the funding scheme Identified certain challenges and proposed action plan up to new panel appointment in 2010 New guidelines for journal and book applications due in December
Grants for scholarly journals ( ) Costs covered: Publication, printing and dissemination Subscription fees and other earnings deducted Minimum of 200 subscribers 119 applications between 37 journals supported in 2008, average € each Language 17 Norwegian and Scandinavian (some abstracts in English) 15 mixed language Norwegian, Scandinavian, English and German 4 English only 1 Sami Supported journals accounted for 403 ”publication points” in 2007, 20 % of all journal publication in A&H and S.sci Number of journals supported by discipline …
Discipline # of supported journals Subject’s pub-points 2007 Supported journal’s pub- points 2007Share History % Theology and Religious studies % Scandinavian language studies411666,9958 % General Literature37532,544 % General Social science38024,4131 % Archaeology27328,1439 % Political science211825,6722 % Sociology % Philosophy and History of ideas16814,0221 % General Humanities % Musicology % Social anthropology15714,0224 % Media and communication % Art history % Cultural studies1519,519 % Legal studies % Classical studies % Educational studies12989,753 % Linguistics11174,54 % Economics1148,754,53 %
Grants for scholarly journals - Key issues 19 of the supported journals print-only Print-only journals documented with lower ”impact” Need for ”digitalization” scheme NOP-HS as proposed model ”Soft” pressure, no mandatory digitalization Evaluation of supported journals Need for more frequent evaluation with a combination of bibliometrics and qualitative review Open Access Compliance with Research Council’s ”green road” OA policy No grant applications for Open Access Journals received so far …
Grants for Open Access Journals – a possible pilot Successful applications must comply with established standards Peer review, high scientific quality and impact National and/or international audience with a documented demand (number of unique readers) Financing model The Research council will not fully finance OAJs Other funding from institutions, submission fees, etc Need for a realistic publication costs approach Grant value may be based on planned number of articles, number of pages or other standardized parameter