Saudi Arabia
History King Ibn Saud Founded Saudi Arabia in Saudi Arabia’s Independence was officially recognized by the United Kingdom in Oil was Discovered there in 1938.
Geography Saudi Arabia borders Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE, Oman, and the Red sea. Most of Saudi Arabia is uninhabited desert. Most of Saudi Arabia’s population is concentrated in a few large cities on the coasts.
Current Indicators of Development Education: Saudi Arabia has higher education and literacy rates than much of the middle east. Woman can go to school in Saudi Arabia, but many do not because girls’ schools are poorly funded. Health: Saudi Arabia has a relatively advanced Healthcare system, with a low IMR.
Current Indicators of Development Economy: Saudi Arabia has an Oil-Based economy, and 25% of the world’s proven petroleum reserves are located there. There are 5.5 million foreign workers in Saudi Arabia.
Current Indicators of Development Technology: Saudi Arabia is a technologically advanced nation, with over 36 million mobile phones and 7.7 million internet users. Politics: Saudi Arabia is a monarchy that follows strict Islamic Law.
Obstacles to Development While women have some educational opportunities, they are not allowed to hold certain government positions. Saudi Arabia has a high unemployment rate, at 11.6 %. Reports of the abuse of migrant works deter immigrants.
Obstacles to Development Islamic law and a lack of free expression prevent the modernization of Saudi Arabia by deterring immigration.
Student #1 Predictions Oil will run out and economy will fall apart Saudi Arabia won’t develop unless an MDC, such as the US, helps it and gets rid of Islamic Law.
Student #2 Predictions As the world becomes less reliant on oil due to the emergence of alternative energy sources, Saudi Arabia will face problems as a result of it’s oil-based economy.
Saudi Arabia: Yesterday and Today