Chapter 5: Jesus Christ and the Church Sacraments of God’s love for the world.
Homework for_________ Quietly and slowly read the story on page 76-77.Question: Why will Christmas never be the same for Tracy? What did she learn about God? For Tomorrow :Read pages 78-82 Answer the review questions on page 82 in your notebook Read LK. 8:43-48 and LK. 19:1-10 What do these stories tell us about God? Write a reflective essay on what these stories tell us about God. What qualities of God do they teach us?Give examples from the stories.
Cp.5 Concept A. Jesus Christ as the fullness of Divinity, the fullness of Humanity pg.78 Christian’s believe that God became flesh in the incarnation > Latin> Incarnare> “ to make flesh”. Incarnation describes God’s becoming flesh as a human being in Jesus. Jesus is the fullest most complete sacrament of God to the world. From Jesus all other sacraments flow. Christians believe that people meet God most clearly by meeting Jesus Christ.
Jesus’ Life and Ministry pg78-79 It is in the life and ministry of Jesus that we clearly see him as the sacrament of God. Jesus reveals a God whose love is All -embracing, not limited by the standards and rules of society. His mission was to usher in the Kingdom of God. We are invited to participate in the Kingdom by loving God and loving our neighbors.
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection pg.78-79 The early Christians recognized that the events encompassing Jesus Christ’s death and Resurrection, his Ascension to the Father, and his sending of the Holy Spirit on his followers were a great mystery Throughout Christian history this has been called the paschal mystery.
Jesus’ Death and Resurrection Paschal>Passover> Israel was spared from death on the first Passover. WE are spared from the bonds of sin and death by Jesus’ death and Resurrection. Israel was brought into freedom from slavery we are brought into a new life with God. Jesus Christ is the ultimate sign of God’s gracious saving love.
Thinking/writing Ending a friendship, quitting a job, moving to a new town or school, and graduating can be paschal-like events- that is, experiences of dying to one type of life and rising to another. WRITE about a dying followed by a new life that you have experienced. Describe your feelings about that change.
The Cross pg79 Jesus’ death on the cross and his rising from the dead each reveal specific aspects of the God that Jesus embodied while on this Earth. Jesus death on the cross shows God’s care and concern for those who suffer. God is present with us in the very midst of our suffering and pain In a very real way,God suffers with us.
The Resurrection pg.80 God is with us even in our suffering.This is very comforting to us,but it is incomplete. Jesus’ rising from the death by power of God lets us know that God can turn any kind of suffering into a grace-filled opportunity for a new life. Life, not death has the last word, goodness is more powerful than evil. God’s grace can always transform evil into good, despair into hope, defeat into triumph.
Jesus as the Model of Full Humanness The story of Jesus is about who God is and what God desires for all people, and all of creation. The story is Jesus is about how human beings are to respond to God-that is, by trusting God completely and by loving theirs neighbors as they love themselves. Jesus teaches us how to be fully human
Concept B: The Church: The Sacrament of Christ to the World Read page 82-83 Slowly and reflectively read Acts chapters 1 and 2 Outline the events as they occur. As you read, imagine yourself taking part in the experiences described there. Using a letter format write to your friend who was not there . Describe what happened and what your impressions are of the church at its very beginning. What would enable the church of today to be more like the early church?
Who is “the Church”?pg.84-87 Who has the task of carrying on the message and work of Jesus? People of God>a community established by Christ to be “A light to the world” (What does this mean?)
Who is “The Church”? The Body of Christ>a community that combines its talents to make Christ alive in the world The temple of the Holy Spirit.>The Spirit given to the church on Pentecost lives within the Church and within its people. Homework: read pages 87-88+review questions on page 88/in your notebook,please
Reading Quiz/Notes Okay 1) What does the word Incarnation mean? 2) How does the opening story relate to the Incarnation? 3) What is the Paschal Mystery? 4) What do Jesus’ death on the cross and his Resurrection tell us about God? 5) Why is Pentecost often called the birthday of the Christian church? 6) Identify 3 images that help Christians answer the question “ Who is the Church?”Briefly explain each.
Review Questions pg.92 Twofold function of the 7 sacraments How did Jesus’ disciples witness Jesus to others? Correlate the 7 actions of Jesus to the 7 sacraments Where do the 7 sacraments come from. In what are their roots? What makes the sacraments different from rituals of purely human making? What does it mean to say that the sacraments are divinely efficacious? Why is the disposition of those receiving the sacraments important? Give the Catechism’s definition of sacraments
Concept C: From the Actions of Jesus to Sacraments As the church grew and developed, Christians recognized seven primary ways in which Jesus Christ himself was a sacrament of God. Where do the sacraments come from? They are rooted in the life and ministry of Jesus and in the tradition of the Catholic church-the church’s wisdom,teaching and practice handed down through the ages.
Jesus’ Actions/Today’s Sacraments pg.90 He brought people to new life He forgave people’s sins He sacrificed himself out of love He shared the power of his spirit Baptism Reconciliation Eucharist Confirmation
Jesus’ Actions / Today’s Sacraments pg.90 He healed people’s illnesses He was faithful to God He ministered to people’s spiritual needs Anointing of the sick Matrimony Holy Orders
Jesus as sacrament Teams of 2 Find 3 examples in the Bible where: Jesus introduced people to a new life Jesus forgave people’s sins Jesus sacrificed himself out of love Jesus shared the power of his ‘Spirit with others. Jesus healed people’s illnesses Jesus was faithful to the One he called Abba Jesus ministered to people’s spiritual needs
Divine and Human Dimensions Pg.91 Not simply rituals of human making. Jesus Christ himself acts in the sacraments. The sacraments are divinely efficacious - they effect change in us and the world-because of God’s power, not our own. Whether the grace given by God through the sacraments actually bears fruit depends on the human condition too. Prepared? Celebrated in a meaningful way? Or just routine? Open hearts?
What is your Disposition? Disposition is the inner attitude and readiness we bring to a particular sacrament. Copy the definition for sacraments from the C.C.C. It is on page 92 of your text. Now write the definition in your own words!