CS682- Session 10 Prof. Katz
Well-Known Attacks By far the most common security vulnerabilities Attacks that Script-Kiddies are capable of performing
Sources for Information Vendor websites Hacker websites
How to protect Maintain the latest versions with the latest patches, with reservation. Have more than one layer of security Provide services only to those whom you intend to use your service
Some common attacks RedButton RPC BIND Vulnerabilities Apache Vulnerabilities Vulnerabilities
Who’s to blame Hackers Script-Kiddies Administrators Management Programmers Computers
SSL Encryption
What is SSL Now referred to as Transport Layer Security, it is more commonly known as Secure Sockets Layer Exists above TCP but below Application layer. It is an layer designed to encrypt the data section of a TCP packet without the ULP knowing
What is SSL used for Encryption of data between client and server Authentication of server to a client
What do we need for SSL? The client must support an encryption protocol and SSL Server must have an X.509v3 certificate issued by a source trusted by both client and server
Basic Procedure TCP Three way handshake Client issues a greeting listing available cyphers Server chooses cypher and sends it’s x.509v3 certificate including the public key. Client checks certificate for trust of issuance and expiration time then uses server’s public key to encrypt a ”premaster secret”, client then calculates session key based on the premaster secret Server decrypts premaster secret and calculates the same session key. Server then replies to the client with an encrypted message indicating completion.
Extensions to the Procedure After server is authenticated, it can request client authentication.