SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May 2010 1 Sustainable Mobility in Mountain Areas: Railways in mountains.


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Presentation transcript:

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Sustainable Mobility in Mountain Areas: Railways in mountains areas UN CSD 18, New York, 12 May 2010 Margrethe Sagevik Sustainable Development Senior Adviser

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May UIC - the Worldwide Association representing the Railway Sector with around 200 members on all continents Members: Active Associate Affiliate 82 35

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Promoting the development of rail transport at world level, in order to meet challenges of mobility and sustainable development UIC Mission UIC is the global organisation for cooperation between and promotion of railways. UIC has a strong tradition of working on sustainability issues, both in supporting members in improving their sustainability performance as well as communicating on the sector level towards external key stakeholders.

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May UIC’s role Provider Facilitator Developer Organiser. Know How,. Technical and Operational expertise,. Technical solutions,. Regulations, standards,. Best practises.. Exchange platforms,. Innovation: new ideas, new concepts,. Protecting member railways’ common interests,. Support policies of development of key infrastructure projects. - Forums, - Seminars, - Conferences,. Congresses. WCRR UIC Highspeed,. Global Rail Freight Conference.. Specifications,. Standards,. Interfaces,. Studies,. Interoperability for international rail corridors.

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Partnerships on transport, climate change & sustainable development Together we are stronger: UIC supports cooperation & bridge building Examples: SLoCAT: Partnership on Sustainable Low carbon Transport Bridging the Gap: Partnership on Transport & Climate change

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Sustainable facts about railway (short): - to be filled in: Low carbon performance EcoTransIT World Safety Congestion External costs

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Are railways investments sustainable according to a purely financial criterion? No!

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Are railways investments sustainable according to a purely financial criterion? Is the question that easy? Is it worth building new railway infrastructure in developing countries? No!

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Are railways investments sustainable according to a purely financial criterion? Is the question that easy? Is it worth building new railway infrastructure in developing countries? Is the question that easy? No!

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Important aspects to include into the cost/benefit analysis: Technical Topography Operational Envisaged rail service Financial aspects Investments costs Maintenace costs Environmental impact External costs (lower compared to trucks) In addition: Strategical aspects Political aspects Cultural aspects Social aspects

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Technical aspects: Topography Costs drivers for rail infrastructure in Mountians: Construction parameters: gradiant and curve radius Classification of soil and rock Need for avalanche and rock fall protection Electrification or non-electrification Numbers of bridges and tunnels Lenghts of bridges and tunnels

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Operational aspects: Envisaged rail service Railway as a part of the solution for sustainable mobility in mountians: Combined transport i.e. ROLA: Rollende Landstrasse Freight Passenger

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Operational aspects: Envisaged rail service Railway as a part of the solution for sustainable mobility in mountians: i.e. High speed services in mountain areas

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Operational aspects: Envisaged rail service Railway as a part of the solution for sustainable mobility in mountians: i.e. Passenger tourism services

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Environmental aspects: Costs drivers for rail infrastructure in Mountains: Environmental and land scape protection measures depending on the classification of the area

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Environmental aspects: Costs drivers for rail infrastructure in Mountains: I.e. Switzerland NIBA (Nachhaltigkeitsindikatoren für Bahninfrastrukturprojekte) - Used to assess the sustainability aspects of new railway infrastructure projects -Aim is to assure that investments in rail infrastructure are sustainable

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Financial aspects: Investments costs: i.e. Lötschberg base tunnel (about 35 km) Opened in Billion Euros Godthard base tunnel (57 km) To open in ,2 Billion Euros Maintainace costs: Depends on amount of tunnels and bridges

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May The Swiss example: Modal shift in Swizerland The swiss people enshrined modal shift into their Constitution in 1994, voting for the ’Alpine Initiative’: reflecting the country’s move towards environmentally sustainable transport in the volunerable Alpine ecosystem. Measures include: 1)Two new transalpine rail links 2)The ’land Transport Agreement’ 3)Open access to the Swiss rail network for cargo traffic 4)Increasing countrywide the mileage-related heavy vechile fees, generating 900 million Euros in )Subsidies and incentives for combined traffic Revenues from the heavy veicle fee are spent on imporvemnets and extensions to rail infrasstructure, and the Swiss corridors have seen a 16% decrease in trucks croosing the Alpssince 2000.

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Improving sustainability of rail infrastructure in mountains:

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Adapting rail infrastructure to climate change (ARISCC) “Preparing for when extreme weather of today becomes tomorrow’s normal weather!” John Dora, Rail & Climate expert, Network rail Improving sustainability of rail infrastructure in mountains: - a UIC-project aiming to increase...:...readiness/preparedness before extreme weather events...robustness/resilience during extreme weather events...recovery after extreme weather events (reduce time to business as usual)

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Future scenarios: Railway as a part of the solution of sustainable mobility in mountains Priorities: 1) Maininting the existing infrastructure for ’regional’ train services 2) New infrastructure: Mainly tunnels for high speed and heavy freight services (national and international train services) – increased capacity: efficient in terms of train load and time saving

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Future scenarios: Railway as a part of the solution of sustainable mobility in mountains Railways will play an important role to achive sustainable mobility especially in sensitive mountainous regions To avoid problems with car traffic (traffic jams, parking space,...) attractive combinations of public transport are needed Innovative solutions may also add for example electro-mobility for the last mile, special solutions for the transport of baggage, optimal information to the customer about transport chains, etc. In Switzerland there are several car-free destinations in the Alps with good railway and public transport connection (e.g. Zermatt, Ascona, Mürren: that build on this advantage successfully.

SWOMM, Scientific Workshop on Mountain Mobility and transport at CSD 18/ UIC –12th May Thank you for your kind attention! For more information: Margrethe Sagevik