GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June GLAST Large Area Telescope Operations Review Rob Cameron Instrument Science Operations Center Manager Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Outline LAT Integration and Test –Schedule –Activities GLAST Operations at SLAC –GLAST Ground System –LAT Instrument Science Operations Center –Online operations –Offline operations Looking ahead
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Master Schedule LAT complete and testedJanuary 2006 –To NRL for environmental testing Delivery to Observatory Integration June 1, 2006 –Mate with spacecraft and GBM and test Launch August 31, 2007 –Kennedy Space Center Spitzer Telescope Launch on a Delta II Heavy
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Integration and Test - Organization Integration Facilities Configuration and Test (IFCT) Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE) Particle Test Integration, Test, and Calibration Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) / Online Software Science Verification Analysis and Calibration (SVAC) Management Lead: Elliott Bloom
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June LAT Integration and Test Schedule
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Building 33: LAT I&T Facility Room 102 Receiving Rm BF101 Room 101 Room 103 Room 104 Rm 100 W/ C VD G Unit Visitor Area ACD test area Storage Room A A A Storage Room B A B D C N E G F K J I HC D A E B AF E C B A O N L K I H A EB F C O J M L M ELX fabrication and test and CAL and TKR receiving tests are done in Rm 103 LAT Integration and test Class 100,000 Cleanroom
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June LAT Integration and Test at SLAC
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June LAT Anti-Coincidence Detector
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Overview of LAT Data Taking Configurations Cosmic ray secondaries and a low energy photon beam are used to characterize the instrument performance at different phases of LAT integration By the end of the LAT integration there will be a couple TBytes of data to be analyzed. A LAT wide collaboration effort driven by SLAC is being organized to understand these data
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June First Light ! - Photon candidate From Anders Borgland based on Bill Atwood selection
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June GLAST MISSION ELEMENTS GN HEASARC GSFC - - DELTA 7920H White Sands TDRSS SN S & Ku LAT Instrument Science Operations Center GBM Instrument Operations Center GRB Coordinates Network Telemetry 1 kbps - S Alerts Data, Command Loads Schedules Archive Mission Operations Center (MOC) GLAST Science Support Center sec GLAST Spacecraft Large Area Telescope & GBM GPS GLAST MISSION OPERATIONS ELEMENTS
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June The ISOC in the LAT Collaboration The ISOC will be the core of LAT operations activities at SLAC after the GLAST project ships the instrument ISOC has close connections to LAT Science Groups –e.g. Working with Calibration and Analysis Methods Group to incorporate improvements to event reconstruction into ISOC processing and products ISOC has broad involvement in the LAT collaboration –e.g. instrument performance analysis and tool development are coordinated by the ISOC across the collaboration see Elliott Bloom presentation
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June LAT ISOC Activities LAT ISOC Activities The LAT ISOC is organized to: –Safely operate the instrument –Reconstruct LAT events and generate quicklook science results Main Functions: –Command planning and construction –Instrument health and safety monitoring –Maintain and modify FSW and the LAT Testbed –LAT performance verification and optimization –Process and archive LAT data –Maintain and optimize the software that produces science data Incorporates online and offline operations activities for the LAT –Extends existing pre-launch activities into on-orbit operations Supports the GLAST mission and the LAT collaboration
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Online Operations Mission Support –Build command loads –Monitoring and trending –Anomaly resolution Data Management –Mission interfaces –Database ingest Configuration control –Config tracking –Config updates Flight software –Maintenance –Updates Online development –To date: driven by I&T needs LAT Test Executive –Being extended to support flight operations phase Operation through FSW Support for mission interfaces
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June LAT Data Flow Lab Online operations will be supported by the LAT Data Flow Lab –Command load verification before uplink –Instrument configuration validation –Flight software development and test platform Also a testbed for onboard science data processing –OSU uses event simulations to test DAQ and event filtering: same sky model used in Offline development DAQ Testbed Simulator
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Offline Operations Led by Richard Dubois –Coordinated software development across LAT collaboration Key activities –Science data processing –Event reconstruction –Quick look science analysis –Serving data to the LAT collaboration Uses SLAC SCS computer farm –75 CPUs –40TB disk space per year Flexible implementation –Pipelined data processing Mature development –Exercised through data challenges, beam tests –Supporting I&T Data Pipeline Sim Raw Data Level 0 Recon Level 1Science Tools Level 2 Recon: interpret LAT readout and estimate directions and energies; flag background Sim: full modeling of e/ /p interactions and readout in the LAT
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Instrument Simulation and Reconstruction CALORIMETER Detail Instrument data 3 GeV gamma interaction 3 GeV gamma recon Event reconstruction validated by beam tests E. do Couto e Silva et al.,2001 W. Atwood et al Common filter used in onboard and Offline processing
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Offline Provided Tools and Services System testsFRED: Event Display Data server MRvcmt: Code devel. User Documentation Code builds
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Science Verification Analysis and Calibration Coordinated by Eduardo do Couto e Silva –The science verification process prior to instrument ship –A LAT collaboration effort, coordinated through a series of instrument analysis workshops –familiarizes LAT collaborators with the LAT instrument and LAT data taking and analysis –Prepares transition from pre-launch to on-orbit operations and data analysis Activities –Process, archive and verify the integrity of data –in conjunction with offline processing –Produce reports to assess data quality and verify instrument configuration –Generate calibrated data analysis files and update, improve and track changes in the calibration constants –to be used in event reconstruction –Characterize the low level performance of the LAT at several stages of instrument integration –using cosmic rays and low energy photons –Refine MC simulations –using cosmic rays and low energy photons
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Two Tower Tests Baseline Run : Flight Configuration triggers Time of first trigger: Thu May 5 20:48: (GMT) Time of last trigger: Thu May 5 21:48: (GMT) Duration: 3601 seconds Rate: 82 Hz Reconstructed positions 79% single track events 14% two-track events Calibrated Energy Spectrum Expected to peak at 100 MeV
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Science Tools User Interface aspects of the standard analysis environment, such as Image/plot display (UI2), Command line interface & scripting (UI4), and GUI & Web access (UI5) are not shown explicitly. 1 This tool also performs periodicity tests and the results can be used to refine ephemerides 2 These tools can also take as input binned data from other instruments, e.g., GBM; the corresponding DRMs must also be available. Pulsar ephem. (D4) Level 1 (D1) LAT Point source catalog (D5) Interstellar em. model (U5) Pointing/livetime history (D2) Astron. catalogs (D6) Level 0.5 IRFs (D3) Alternative source for testing high- level analysis Alternative for making additional cuts on already- retrieved event data simulator (O1) Observation simulator (O2) extractor (U3) Data sub- selection (U2) Data extract (U1) Exposure calc. (U4) Likelihood (A1) Map gen (U6) Src. ID (A2) Event display (UI1) Pulsar profiles (A3) 1 Catalog Access (U9) extractor (U3) Pulsar phase assign (U12) Pulsar period search (A4) GRB spectral-temporal modeling (A10) Source model def. tool (U7) Arrival time correction (U10) GRB temporal analysis (A7) 2 GRB LAT DRM gen. (U14) GRB spectral analysis (A8) 2 GRB event binning (A5) GRB unbinned spectral analysis (A9) GRB visual- ization (U13) IRF visual- ization (U8) Ephemeris extract (U11) GRB rebinning (A6) 2 Standard Analysis Environment Coordinated by Seth Digel Developed against realistic data models, in conjunction with science groups (e.g. diffuse emission and source catalogs group) Tested and validated through collaboration-wide checkout reviews
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Quick-look Science Analysis 3EG catalog (Hartman et al. 1999) Monitored sources –Release a preliminary source list that includes sources detected with very high confidence (flux >2x10 -6 cm -2 s -1 ) –Selected sources to be monitored regularly in year 1 of mission. Source list (~20 sources) defined before launch, with community input –Quick look data include source position, average source flux, the peak source flux and estimated spectral index Bursts and transient sources –Refine positions, fluxes, spectra for detected transients –Generate alerts for bursts and transient sources detected in ground processing –Transient alerts from all-sky monitoring by GLAST will increase science return from other observatories, including ground based TeV telescopes, e.g. VERITAS
GLAST Large Area Telescope - OperationsDOE Review, 15 June Onward to Launch! Instrument Integration and Test is proceeding well –Six flight towers integrated into the Grid –Seven Tracker modules at SLAC –Fourteen Calorimeters are at SLAC All 16 plus 2 spares are complete –Anti-Coincidence Detector complete, ready for environmental test Ground system implementation is in progress –ISOC participating in GLAST ground system tests 6 Ground readiness tests, End-to-End tests, –Preparing support for late stage LAT testing LAT environmental tests, 2006 Observatory integration, –Operations facility planned for SLAC building 84 –Offline operations validated by Data Challenges DC2 scheduled for January 2006 –Fourth instrument analysis workshop in July 2005