The Green Port: Blazing an Environmental Trail International Seminar on Brazilian Port Sector Nov. 25, Nov. 25, Brasilia Mario Cordero Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
The Green Port Why the Green Port? We’re growing. It’s the right thing to do. We’re a part of this community.
The Green Port What’s our commitment? The Green Port Policy: 1.Protect the community from harmful environmental impacts of Port operations. 2.Distinguish the Port as a leader in environmental stewardship and compliance. 3.Promote sustainability. 4.Employ best available technology to avoid or reduce environmental impacts. 5.Engage and educate the community.
The Green Port Business, Environmental and Community friendly – The Green Port How are we shaping a vibrant community?
The Green Port How are we improving air quality? Adopted groundbreaking Clean Air Action Plan Ban dirty diesel trucks to reduce air pollution 80% by 2012 Require cleaner cargo-handling equipment Offer Green Flag incentives for ships to slow down in the harbor – 90+% participation
The Green Port How are we improving air quality? Require ships to use shoreside electricity Pay for low-emission ship fuel Support Marpol Annex VI and tougher IMO low-sulfur fuel standards Use cleaner locomotives Renewable energy sources: Solar power
The Green Port How are we advancing technology? Fund studies of clean air technologies: Sock on a stack Magnetic levitation cargo mover LNG yard hostler Electric trucks Hybrid tugs
The Green Port How are we improving water quality? Monitor water quality Limit storm water runoff Treat water flows from industrial areas Install storm water treatment devices Water Resources Action Plan (WRAP)
The Green Port How do we protect our wildlife? Relocated a colony of black-crowned night herons at risk from development Contributed $50 million to restoration of coastal wetlands Monitor protected species
The Green Port How do we keep our soils clean? Remove 100% of contaminated soils on Pier A by 2010 Removed nearly 50% of all known contaminated sediments in harbor Goal: Remove all contaminated sediments by 2010 Use contaminated sediments as construction filler to isolate from the environment
The Green Port How do we build green? Require clean-burning construction equipment Build new facilities to LEED certification Incorporate sustainable materials and native landscaping Develop new terminals with latest environmental technology
The Green Port What about infrastructure and facilities? Keep storm drains clear by sweeping 432 miles of road each month Pick up trash in water and along piers Recycle 250 tires a year 100% of new Port vehicles low-emission, super low- emission or alternative fuels
The Green Port How do we green our community? Beautify local neighborhoods - more than 400 trees and shrubs planted to date Print all publications on 50% recycled paper Provide materials in electronic formats to reduce paper consumption Use sustainable products and recycling at events
The Green Port How do we encourage a green workforce? Offer incentives for carpools and vanpools Give free bus passes Promote alternative work schedules to reduce commutes Host employee sponsored clean-ups
The Green Port What are we doing in the workplace? Evaluate Port operations and reduce footprint through a Sustainability Committee Use “green” guidelines in purchasing Recycle batteries, computer toner, e-waste Use sustainable products in cafeteria
The Green Port The result? Air pollution expected to drop 45% in 5 years Award-winning harbor water quality International and national recognition for environmental leadership Model for other ports
The Green Port How do we know we’re on the right track? Environmental Improvement Award (2004, 2006, 2007) Clean Air Excellence Award (2008) Environmental Award for Outstanding Achievement (2005) Air Quality Improvement Award (2006) Water Quality Award for Most Improvement (2002)
The Green Port Thank You