COMP101 – Exploring Multimedia and Internet Computing LA2 (Thu 14:00 – 16:50) TA: Jackie Lo
Lecture Review Header (e.g. sender information, Date, etc.) are supplied by the system (but could be faked). Privacy on s “ hops ” (servers and routers) between mail sender and recipient can read and store the IP packet send through them there is no trace for tampering
Lecture Review Privacy ObjectivesWho ’ s Action? Whose Key? Key Type Encrypt dataSenderReceiverPublic key Sign dataSender Private key Verify signatureReceiverSenderPublic key Decrypt dataReceiver Private key
Lecture Review Using PKI at HKUST E-cert, we got last lab Exchange the public keys Safeguard your private key abuse Questions? My FYP is about tailor-made spam filter. If you are interested, you can come and find the details in my office.
Lecture Review World Wide Web (WWW) Browser Tool for browsing the web, e.g. IE, Netscape Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Address of webpage Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) Common Language (Code) presenting webpage Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Protocol for transfer webpage
Lecture Review Cookies small files placed by Web server in a directory of the user ’ s computer to track users ’ browsing habits. Security using the web Use secure connection (https) before entering personal data. (A golden lock at the bottom of the browser)secure connection
Reminders Test 1 will be on 28 Feb. (Wed) In class: 10 – 11 am LTA In the evening: 7 – 8 pm Room 2306 (via Lift 17-18) Please revise ALL the course materials. Lecture Slides Lab Notes and Assignment Lecture Notes (Please at least read once!)
Lab 3 Follow the steps in lab 3 Notes for using excel function =VLOOKUP(Lookup_value, Table_array, Col_index_num) =IF(condition, return_if_true, return_if_false) =COUNT(range) =COUNTIF(range,criteria)