Towards a Model-Based Toolchain for High Confidence Design Peter Volgyesi Gabor Karsai Janos Sztipanovits Sandeep Neema Harmon Nine Joe Porter Ryan Thibodeaux Vanderbilt University/ISIS
2 Recap: Focus Area 2: Model-based Software Design and Verification Foundations of model-based software design for high- confidence, networked embedded systems applications: 1. Semantic foundations for modeling languages and model transformations, 2. Precisely architected software and systems platforms that guarantee system properties via construction, 3. Methods for static source code verification and testing, 4. Methods for dynamic runtime verification and testing. Deliverables: theories, methods and design environment components integrated into our prototype toolchain, and a high-confidence embedded platform integrated into our experimental systems.
3 Focus Area 2: Model-based Software Design and Verification MSD-1. Model-Integrated Computing (MIC) (Karsai,Lee,Sztipanovits) Formal, metamodel-based semantic foundations for domain- specific modeling languages (DSML), based on the concept of semantic anchoring, and model transformations. MSD-2. Embedded Software Composition Platforms (Lee,Karsai,Sastry,Sztipanovits) Heterogeneous software composition platform that offers middleware support for a well-defined suite of models of computations (MoC), incorporating dynamic type checking for system-level types and seamless interfaces towards underlying systems platforms such as Time Triggered Architecture and towards higher-level modeling environments. MSD-3. Automated Source-code Verification and Testing (Clarke,Necula) New static analysis techniques for programming languages widely used in embedded software development. (Presentation by Prof. Clarke) MSD-4. Model-Based Runtime Testing and Verification (Krogh,Tomlin,Clarke,Sztipanovits) Algorithms for the runtime, passive conformance testing of system behavior to a set of approximate models.
4 Links to overall Design Flow RA FD CD HwA SY DPL Functional Mod/Sim Arch Mod/Sim Alloc./Sched. Analysis HW Pwr/ Perf Est Latency/RT Analysis SwA Requirement Specification Control Design Component Design Software Architecture HW Arch. Design System Arch. Design Code Gen. Verif. SW Deployment MSD-1 MSD-2 MSD-3 MSD-4
5 First prototype toolchain elements Functional Design Resource allocation (Scheduling) Execution Platform Software Architecture Componentization Allocation and Deployment Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow ECSL Modeling Tool (GME) CSP-based Scheduler Time-Triggered Platform Simulink/Stateflow -Single rate subsystems -Synchronous Dataflow semantics -Event-triggered charts ECSL -Simulink/Stateflow import -Additional aspects for components, architecture, and deployment -Code generation for -Dataflow (Simulink/SDF) models -Statechart (Stateflow) models -Platform interface code Scheduler -Constraint-based generation of task and bus message schedules for a time-triggered platform Platform -Multiple processors connected via a time-shared bus -Tasks are cyclic, time-triggered -Message receive/send happens before/after task release/finish
6 Design rationale for prototype toolchain (1) The connection towards Simulink/Stateflow Simulink/Stateflow is the industry standard SDF and (restricted) Statechart semantics is well-defined and widely used Could be substituted in later stages of the project The ECSL language Software components and architectures and deployment had to be captured in models and integrated with the functional models. Not all features of Simulink/Stateflow are supported – only a ‘safe’ subset. Dataflow (Simulink/SDF) model: scheduling based on the time- triggered paradigm (t_k is determined by an off-line scheduler) receive(t_k) execute() send(t_k+1) Extensible towards other models of computation
7 Embedded Control System Language
8 Design rationale for prototype toolchain (2) Code generation Dataflow/SDF code generation: Explicit type inference (if Simulink model is not fully typed) Graph transformation into an intermediate code format (C-like, Abstract Syntax Graph) Printing C code (or Java, or …)? Stateflow code generation: Follows Stateflow semantics (state transitions) Graph transformation into an intermediate code format (C-like, Abstract Syntax Graph) Printing C code (or Java, or …)? Both code generators are extensible/backend can be replaced
9 Code generation Dataflow(Simulink) and Statechart(Stateflow) The code generator is formally specified as a programmed graph transformation system. This allows reasoning about the correctness of the transformation itself. Abstract Syntax Graph of executable code C source code The result of the transformation is an abstract syntax graph that allows ‘printing’ the executable code in various languages. Support for verification: The code generation could insert verification conditions (derived from the models )into the generated ASG.
10 Design rationale for prototype toolchain (3) Scheduler Explicit, design-time generation of cyclic time-triggered schedules for tasks and messages Constraint-based scheduling approach The Platform Robust, timed execution of tasks on a network of processors Time-triggered approach: - Nodes schedulers are time-synchronized - Tasks are run cyclically released at specific points in time - Messages are transferred at specific points in time Tasks: Receive(t_k) execute() Send (t_k+1) Task: single rate, multiple components Components == Simulink subsystems Messages == input and output dataflows (signals) of subsystems
11 Scheduling The model is translated into a scheduling problem: Input: set of tasks with desired rates, set of messages with desired source/destination tasks and rates Output: task release times (in a cyclic schedule) Formulation: Constraint Satisfaction Problem (equalities and inequalities) over integers. Constraint Solver Engine (GECode) TaskScheduleMessageSchedule Support for certification: Off-line scheduling of time-critical tasks and messages ensures correct temporal behavior.
12 Realization Simulation-based verification Symbolic verification (TBD) Model Editing Environment (ECSL-DP) Modeling/Simulation Environment (Simulink/Stateflow) Mdl2Mga StateflowDataflowSystem Simulink Code Gen Scheduler Conf Gen Stateflow Code Gen C code TT Schedule Conf
13 Platforms TTTech MPC 555 micros TTP/C comm TTTech Software tools Fault-tolerance Soekris Linux w/ 3xEthernet TT Virtual Machine on standard UDP and Linux No fault tolerance (yet)
14 TT Virtual Machine Step 1: DEVS model of the TT scheduler DEVS: (Discrete-Event Systems) Finite-State Machines with - Continuous time model for timed transitions - Communication/triggering via discrete events Abstract model, has C++ simulator implementation Step 2: Prototype on POSIX interface - Embedded Linux hosts - Isolated Ethernet network (UDP) - High-precision timers Kernel TT Comm TT Sched TT Tasks Ethernet (TT, shared bus)
15 Plans Extending the modeling language Other coordination techniques (P/S, etc.) Extending the TT/VM Platform Event-driven communications Coordination patterns Fault tolerance Integrating code generation with code verification Propagating/generating verification conditions into the generated code