What is Constructivism? “ Constructivism is an approach to teaching based on research about how people learned. Many researchers say that each individual constructs knowledge rather receiving it from others.” ( McBrien & Brandt, 1997)
“ They are constructing their own knowledge by testing ideas and approaches based on their prior knowledge and experience, applying these to a new situation and integrating the new knowledge gained with pre-existing intellectual constructs.” (Briner, M., 1999)
What is constructivism? A learning theory based on observation and scientific study Students construct their own understanding knowledge of the world Reconciliation of new and previous ideas and experiences In doing so i. the students’ belief may have to be changed ii. new information may be discarded as irrelevant
Constructivism proposes that students learn as a result of their personal generation of meaning from experiences Constructivist learners are active creators of their own knowledge. How? They must ask questions, explore ideas and assess what they know
3 principles of theory of constructivism Each person constructs beliefs about what is real What a person already belief or brings to new situations changes the information that the person’s senses deliver People create a reality based on their previous beliefs, their own abilities to reason and their desire to reconcile what they believe and what they actually observe
In the classroom.. Encourage students to use active techniques (experiments, problem solving) to create more knowledge, to reflect on their understanding Understand the students’ preexisting conceptions Guide the activity to address and build on the conceptions Talk about what they are doing and how their understanding is changing Help them generate connections between what is to be learned and what they already know or believe Encourage students to constantly assess how the activity is helping them gain understanding
Traditional class vs Contructivist class Dissemination of information, students are recipients of knowledge Teacher’s role is directive, rooted in authority Knowledge is seen as inert Students work primarily alone Assessment is through testing correct answers CONSTRUCTIVIST CLASS Discussion with students, construction of own knowledge Teacher’s role is interactive, rooted in negotiation Knowledge is seen as dynamic, ever changing with experiences Student work primarily in groups Assessment includes students’ work, observation and view as well as tests. Process is as important as product