First Order & Second Order Decision Making Planned Change Approach for Persistent and Intractable Problems Concepts that stem from: Perfect Nonprofit Boards Perfect Nonprofit Boards Stephen R. Block, Ph.D. University of Colorado at Denver Graduate School of Public Affairs Nonprofit Management Concentration
Classifying First Order & Second Order Types Q. Why is it is important to identify the level of difficulty of problem types?
Classifying First Order & Second Order Types A. Classifying types of problems will help us focus on the level of problem resolution techniques needed to initiate change.
First Order Types Everyday common problem solving involves First-order change. First-order change methods generally work to resolve problems.
First Order Types First-order change attempts do not require a shift in the customary way of thinking about a problem or its intended solution
First Order focus Focusing on the “why” of a problem is a natural starting place for first-order decision-making.
When a First-Order Solution does not Work There is an inclination to repeat the same solution over and over
Relying on the First Order Individuals approach problem solving in the only way they know how... If a person does not have a cache of approaches to consider (that is, frameworks), they do more of the same!
Focusing on the Why When enlightenment does not clear a path for transforming organizational problems a new method of intervention should be sought
First Order focus The focus of management change efforts should be on the “what,” that is, What is happening in the here and now that is perpetuating the problem? Do not get stuck on the “why” of a problem.
When decisions do not lead to change It is the result of the intended solution not changing the structure of the problem the problem
Problem Solving Can Perpetuate Failure Palo Alto Researchers explanation: An event (a) is about to take place, but (a) is undesirable. Common sense suggests that its prevention or avoidance is by means of the reciprocal or opposite, that is (not-a) An event (a) is about to take place, but (a) is undesirable. Common sense suggests that its prevention or avoidance is by means of the reciprocal or opposite, that is (not-a)
As long as the solution is sought within this dichotomy of (a) and (not-a), the problem will be perpetuated because the structure of the problem has not been altered.