Catalyst (You can use your notes!) 1. What does a question always end with? 2. What is the achievement gap? 3. What are two examples of the achievement gap? 4. What is malleable intelligence? Weekly Goal Reflection Box: Did you accomplish your goal? Why or why not? Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Catalyst!
Exit Question Review What question is the scientist trying to answer? What conclusions can you make? What further experiment could be done?
Today’s Agenda Catalyst Review Graphs Quiz #1 Mini-Lesson: Questions and Hypotheses Exit Question
Today’s Objectives By the end of today, all SWBAT… DOMINATE the first quiz! Form questions from observations Form hypotheses from questions.
Time Spent Using Communication Services * = Television numbers were recorded for 2003, not 2002
iPhone User Satisfaction
Age Groups Infected with Swine Flu
Disease Case Fatality Rates Average % of Inflicted Who Die
Now Wash Your Hands Case Fatality Rate vs. Maximum Survival Time Outside the Body
Seating Plan Survival rate relative to seat position
Bad Month Months with the most fatal airline accidents ( )
TPS What is the achievement gap? Provide two examples of the achievement gap. What is malleable intelligence? Think-Pair-Share
Quiz! Put away your binders a nd let’s DOMINATE that quiz! You have 13 minutes When you are done, please… Wait patiently DO NOT talk
Good Experimental Questions Key Point #1: A good experimental question asks why something happens. Must be specific Based on things you see about the world
Why is this man happy? What would happen if you ate this ice cream? What is this woman thinking?
Planet Earth! Ask 3-5 questions about what you see while you watch!
Good Hypotheses Key Point #2: A good hypothesis is an educated, testable guess that answers a question. Educated means there is a reason for it Use the word “because” Testable means there is a way to prove it right or wrong
Why is this man happy? What would happen if you ate this ice cream? What is this woman thinking?
Your Turn! Make hypotheses for all of your questions
What’s the point? Scientists design experiments to prove hypotheses right or wrong In your groups, choose two of the best question/hypotheses and develop a procedure for testing them
Exit Question You observe that Ms. Sanacore’s Chemistry students get higher grades on their tests than her Biology students. Write a scientific question that can be asked. Write a testable hypothesis to explain this observation. Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Exit Question!