Jump to first page Creating Opportunities for People in Poverty Opportunities 2000
Waterloo Region... n One of the strongest economies in Canada n Higher GDP than the entire province of PEI Waterloo Region… a land of opportunity!
n Entrepreneurial Spirit n Excellence in Education Waterloo Region...
n A Caring Community n One of the first communities to win the Ontario Trillium Foundation’s Caring Community Award Recognized by the United Nations Waterloo Region...
Poverty in Waterloo Region n The percentage of poor increased 28% over 5 years n 14.6% of our population lives below the poverty line
Opportunities 2000 Mission: Reduce our region’s poverty rate to the lowest in Canada. An innovative approach to poverty reduction involving: u The General Public u Community Groups u Government u Business
OP2000 Sponsored by: n Lutherwood CODA n Companies, individuals & foundations including: Royal Bank Financial Group Rick and Norma Brock Conestoga Rovers Canada Trust Budd Canada The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation Mac Voisin
Kiwanis Club of Cambridge Cambridge Kiwanis Village Non-Profit Housing Corporation 7:20 Express Kiwanis Club The United Way-OP2000 Project is made possible through the generous support of: Ontario Trillium Foundation in partnership with Goal: To assist 200 Cambridge families to exit poverty by December 31, 2000.
United Way-OP2000 Project Mid-October 1999 to December 2000 Assist 200 Cambridge Households Exit Poverty Facilitate Development of Community Projects Cambridge Kiwanis Village Non-Profit Housing YMCA Settlement & Integration Services Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank Engage the Local Business Community Awareness Building - Presentations Aim - Active Involvement in Creating Opportunities in partnership with
Business Creates Opportunities n Businesses create jobs and wealth n Business is part of the solution “Canadian business leaders should be consciously striving to create the highest possible quality of life for the greatest number of people in this country. We business leaders will have failed in meeting our responsibility to Canadian society if we do not help Canada cope with poverty and its associated roots and ills.” Ted Newall, NOVA Corp., 1996 Canadian Business Leader Award Recipient
Be an Opportunity Maker 6 ways to show your commitment to poverty reduction: Hire from Opportunities 2000 Partner Agencies Implement HR Policies aimed at Poverty Reduction Develop and Offer Customized Training Share Your Expertise with Community Projects Adopt a Community Project Surprise Us! Opportunity changes lives… Opportunity is life changing.
Hire from Opportunities 2000 Hire from the Opportunities 2000 community partner network A network of local agencies can assist you to find potential employees for your business. These agencies work with thousands of people seeking employment and can help you find the staff you need.
Human Resource Policies n Implement Human Resource policies and practices to reduce poverty n “Creating Opportunities: Using Human Resource Practices to Build Your Business & Your Community” Joseph Allen, Eileen Polson, GVHRA Maureen Numellin, Conestoga College Gerry Davies, Royal Bank of Canada
Human Resource Policies n A Case Study: u one organization realized 14 of its lowest paid employees were earning poverty wages u these positions were re-classified resulting in a $3,200 annual salary adjustment for each of those employees
Customized Training n Provide job opportunities by participating in “tailor-made” training initiatives The As You Like It Café at KPL trains staff for the restaurant and hospitality sectors. Student Bonnie Van Herk with her instructor during the T.R.Y. Trucking program launch. The program provided training and jobs for 30 local youth.
Share Your Expertise n Volunteer for Opportunity u Opportunities 2000 community partners can benefit from your knowledge and expertise n Second a staff person: u “Loan” a staff person to Opportunities 2000 Both Royal Bank of Canada and United Way of Cambridge and North Dumfries have recently seconded staff to assist with Opportunities 2000.
Adopt a Community Project n Opportunities 2000 community partners provide sponsorship opportunities Game-Stirs arose from a community kitchen sponsored by the Waterloo Region Food Bank.
Surprise Us! n We need your ideas. Our team is ready to explore opportunities with you!
Be an Opportunity Maker 6 ways to show your commitment to poverty reduction: Hire from Opportunities 2000 Partner Agencies Implement HR Policies aimed at Poverty Reduction Develop and Offer Customized Training Share Your Expertise with Community Projects Adopt a Community Project Surprise Us! Opportunity changes lives… Opportunity is life changing.
Jump to first page Creating Opportunities for People in Poverty For more information: Deborah Foster-Stahle x325 Wayne Matheson x107 Opportunities 2000