Stefano Lami 1Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 CDF Preshower/Crack Detector Upgrade (CPR2) Replace old CPR and CCR (slow wire chambers) with detectors based on scintillator tiles read-out by WLS fibers, to maintain Run I capabilities faster + finer segmentation in space l Argonne National Laboratory l FNAL l INFN (Pisa, Roma1, Pavia, Trieste, Udine) l JINR (Dubna) l Michigan State University l Rockefeller University l University of Tsukuba
Stefano Lami 2Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 Physics with the CPR2 Preshower used in >100 papers, about 1/2 of all Run I publications High Pt Electron ID Soft Electron b-tagging Photon Background Subtraction ( the only model-independent 0 subtraction above 35 GeV) High P T Electrons Pion Backgrounds Electrons Number of MIPS Crack Detector detects photons in cracks that generate “fake” missing energy. Inst L = 2-3 E32 causes significant degradation of current detector with 20-30% occupancies Even with L<1 E32, segmentation of upgrade opens new window for improving jet energy resolution
Stefano Lami 3Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 CPR2 Overview l Scintillator tiles Total n. of channels = 3,072 CPR tile: 12.5 x 12.5 x 2 cm 2x3 ( )/tower CCR tile: 22.5 x 5 x 0.5 cm 1 tile/tower l Photomultipliers 16 channels per PMT (R5900) 192 HV channels CAEN HV SY527 Preshower Detector (CPR) Wedge Total CPR 54 2,592 CCR Crack Detector (CCR) Preshower 48 modules in front of CCAL WLS fiber into groove, spliced to clear fiber at tile exit, routed to optical connector We want to see MIPs in CPR, >5 pe at PMT in specs, i.e. >10 pe at tile exit (splicing + connector + 5m clear fiber)
Stefano Lami 4Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 R&D at Rockefeller Major contribution to R&D of tile/fiber system (concluded) Comparison of : BICRON, Dubna, MINOS tiles PolHiTech, Kuraray Y11 WLS fibers Groove path into tile Optimal number of fiber loops Fiber/tile optical coupling choosen Dubna-PolHiTech ~30 pe/MIP Dubna tile + glued mirrored PolHiTech fiber (4 loops) + Tyvek wrapping Cosmic ray test
Stefano Lami 5Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 More tile/fiber R&D results: Check optimal number of fiber loops, from 1 to 7, light yield reaches a plateau for N=4. Difference between sigma and circular groove path within +/- 5% (for both light yield and uniformity). Mirroring the fiber edge not readout is important. 4 loops seems best option CR tests on Bicron 5mm thick scintillator tiles for Crack detector gave ~ 7pe/MIP with mirrored fiber (straight groove) (OK, we measure showers in CCR)
Stefano Lami 6Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 More tile/fiber R&D results: Glue (BC-600) gave same results than optical grease BC-630, light yield >40% than in air. No time decay observed yet for glued tiles. Four different glued tiles under test
Stefano Lami 7Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 CPR2 Responsabilities Total CPR2 Upgrade Cost = 900K $ Half from Japan (220 PMTs) and Italy (Scintillator,Fibers,HV) USA (ANL, FNAL, Michigan, Rockefeller)Design, R&D, assembly, test ItalyDesign, R&D, CPR assembly/test Russia (Dubna)CPR Scintillator grooved tiles Japan (Tsukuba)Multianode Phototubes
Stefano Lami 8Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 CPR2 Assembly Time Schedule Time schedule did not change: hardware assembled by Nov ‘04 Milestones Assembly and test first CPR prototypeApr 03 (done) Purchase first 40 PMT’s (Japan)Aug 03 (done) Purchase Scintillator (Italy)Aug 03 Purchase Optical Fibers (Italy)Aug 03 Purchase HV system & cables (Italy)Oct 03 Preshower Detector Assembly Nov 04 Prepare fibers and tilesApr 04 End of assemblySep 04 Quality controlNov 04 Crack Detector Assembly Aug 04 Original Run IIb schedule with SVX upgrade
Stefano Lami 9Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 Installation in the Collision Hall With help from the CDF Operation Managers, we developed a draft plan to install the Preshower/Crack detectors without a rollout, in 8 weeks. (First presented at FNAL Program Management Group meeting on August 26 th ) Estimate based on 1 shift/day with an 8-man team. Could be faster (4 weeks ?) with 2 shifts/day
Stefano Lami 10Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 Installation: Easy access to South arches once North arches pulled out – under solenoid. 8-man team After removing bottom wedge old modules and installing scaffolding instead, 3 men/arch on same side replacing CPR, CCR modules, 2 men carrying old/new modules. Design for new studs/brackets under preparation, will be tested on spare Central Calorimeter wedge (new modules ~100 lbs each, heavier than old ones) South arches (constrained by tunnel) Removable wall
Stefano Lami 11Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 First Preshower module assembled last April. Completed in 12 hours, alternating 2-man teams. 4 months for 48 modules (Fiber preparation not included: - Mirroring ~2 weeks - Splicing ~1 month (140/day)) 6 months in total (very conservative) But mass production can be faster (3 months assembly possible, it is 5 in official schedule). Dubna Tile Tyvek wrapping
Stefano Lami 12Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 Construction Plans Ready to purchase parts, got money from INFN for: CPR Dubna Scintillator (finished tiles, first after ~3months, total of 4-5 months) CCR BICRON Scintillator WLS (PolHiTech) and Clear (?) fibers (~2months production) Order Scintillator by Oct 03 and Fibers by Dec 03 l CPR plans Ship tiles to ANL and fibers to FNAL for splicing and mirroring US/INFN technicians and physicists assemble CPR at Argonne Tests - Test single glued tiles with CR - Scan every module at ANL using source scanner by MINOS Still premature to reschedule short shutdown installation, but 1st CPR prototype suggests assembly could be reduced by three months to be ready for possible 2004 summer/fall shutdown l CCR detector Buy tiles from Bicron Cutting and polishing at FNAL Groove milling (linear) at FNAL Buy all WLS and clear fibers from PolHiTech Ship fibers to FNAL for splicing and mirroring ANL builds all Crack detector
Stefano Lami 13Rockefeller Meeting - Nov 3 rd, 2003 Rockefeller contribution l Anwar (25%), Michele (25%), Ken (25%), Stefano (60%), Christina (25%) in MOU (Stefano responsible for R&D, Michele for Detector testing) but anybody else very welcome l Focused on hardware up till now, but software is urgently needed for next summer: - New preshower/CCR algorithm code - Fill StNtuple - HV Control l I personally think Rockefeller group could contribute to (in order of priority): - Software - Detector Testing/Commissioning - Installation Message from last CPR2 Review: Let’s build it !!!