Team Virtual Dreams – Brazil Bruno França dos Reis – Popfly User Name - bfreis Roberto Sonnino – Popfly User Name – robertos Eduardo Sonnino – Mentor MashUp
The problem The solution Main functions Some mashup possiblities The blocks Outreach plan
Lots of world data is available, but it’s hard to analyze We can’t associate changes in world indicators with historic events easily New visualizations are needed to create relationships between data and enable better solutions End users don’t have easy access to data and analysis tools
Mix world indicator data from Gapminder with an RSS with events in a Timeplot graph to analyze causes and consequences of the world’s problems! KnoWorld allows you to: Compare indicators visually and create new conclusions Empower the home user with easily-accessible world data Create new visualization possibilities!
All of them! Users can create mashups using more than 200 indicators that correspond to all UN Millennium Goals With some creativity, users can create visualizations and monitors for all the official UN Millennium Goal indicators View the official UN indicator list at
Two core components: Gapminder data (more than 200 world indicators from UN, World Bank, and others) Timeplot visualization (plot a series of data and events vs. time) Additional components: Google Charts (bar, line and map charts) Country Flags (get country flag images for mashups) Country Codes (get the country code from its name)
Gapminder + Events RSS or Data Block + Timeplot – see event causes and consequences Example: population of France vs World Wars – allows us to easily see the causes of unusual changes in the graph
Use Gapminder data with Google Charts Map to visualize world data in a new way using a colored map %20of%20School %20of%20School
Among these possibilities, you can use Gapminder data with Google Charts Map to implement and customize something like the UN MDG Monitors in Popfly For example, the previous mashup simulates the MDG Monitor for the MDG 2 - Education Original: =1&indicator=0&cd= =1&indicator=0&cd=
Use Gapminder data with Country Flags to visualize top countries for an indicator in a Virtual Earth map arms%20importers%20in% arms%20importers%20in%202005
Use Gapminder data with Google Charts Line to mix world indicators and create new relationships Mash with Google Charts Bar/Line to visualize and compare world indicators Use data with Google Charts Map and an image display block to analyze the geographic situation of the indicator through time Use indicators with Google Charts and Virtual Earth to visualize country data in small graphs in their respective locations in the map
Gapminder Gets historic data for over 200 world indicators from Gapminder Provider: Gapminder World Data ○ ○ Data comes from several different sources, such as the UN reports, World Bank and many others. See the full list of indicators at Functions ○ getByYear – retrieves data from all countries for a given indicator and year ○ getByCountry – gets all historic data for a given indicator for a chosen country ○ These functions retrieve and process huge quantities of data and might take a few seconds to complete; please be patient.
Timeplot Displays a line graph against time with a data series and marks relevant events in the graph Provider: Simile Timeplot ○ Functions ○ addTimeSeriesAndEvents – displays a graph with the time series (mandatory) and events (optional). The time series format is composed of arrays of dates and values, and the events series is composed of 4 arrays for the dates, titles, descriptions and links for the events This block may not work correctly with IE8 Beta in preview mode because it uses ExCanvas to render the element in IE, and ExCanvas is not fully compatible with IE8.
Google Charts Gets the URL for an image of a bar, line or map graph using the Google Chart API Provider: Google Chart API ○ Functions: ○ Has one function for each chart type that receives as input the data and outputs the URL for an image with the chart, served by Google Chart API. Allows for mashing up with image display blocks, maps and many other blocks.
Country Flags Gets a flag image URL from a country name or code Provider: Flags of the World and ○ and Functions: ○ getSmallFlag: outputs the URL of a flag image at, having as input the country name or code. ○ getLargeFlag: outputs the URL of a flag image at Flags of the World, having as input the country name or code.
Country Codes Gets the two-letter code from a country name Functions: ○ getCountryCode: outputs the two-letter country code for the given country name
Intended public: Researchers ○ Research local and global data to create innovative relationships, enabling new forecasts and solutions ○ Possible contacts: University teachers, researchers and students Geography and history teachers ○ Use to create a more interactive class, show interesting or updated data on relevant matters, and raise awareness ○ Possible contacts: Schools and universities in Brazil and France NGOs ○ Use to raise awareness by publishing mashups and analyzing local data to create new solutions and action plans ○ Possible contacts: WWF, Greenpeace General home users ○ Enable everyone to access, use, mashup and visualize data from world indicators with ease, for a multitude of uses
Direct contacts with researchers, teachers and NGOs Posts in team members’ blogs Direct contact with friends Articles about the block construction process in community sites (ex. to create adoption from developers
KnoWorld gives everyone the power to see, analyze, compare world indicators and establish links between them It enables institutions to create new relationships and find the real causes of our problems and consequences of events KnoWorld is a powerful tool to help deal with world raw data and turn it into real solutions!
Thank you! Team Virtual Dreams – Brazil MashUp