Health and Well-Being at Royal Mail Group Shaun Davis Group Director of Safety, Health, Well-Being & Sustainability Judith Grant Group Head of Health and Well-Being June 2015 Intro.
Background Royal Mail Group directly employs 148,000 people in the UK (88% male). Royal Mail Group has an ageing population: 40% aged over 50. 8.5% aged under 30. Three main causes of sickness absence are mental health, musculoskeletal disorders and injury. We have seen increases in musculoskeletal and mental health absences over recent years. Overview.
Business challenges Innovations Deregulation; Changing market; Changing workplace; Ageing workforce; Long service; A transactional OH service is not enough. Innovations New efficiencies; Changes to sorting and delivery methods; Innovative occupational health solutions to meet the changing needs of the workforce; Health and safety focus now widened to include Well-Being. As slide.
Why invest in Well-Being? Benefits of workplace Well-Being: increased productivity; reduced number of sickness absences; reduced staff turnover and increased retention of skills; improved staff morale; reduced recruitment and training costs; improved company reputation as a ‘good employer’; and improved financial performance and competitiveness. Mental ill-health costs £26 billion (£8.4 billion in sickness absence, £15.1 billion for presenteeism and £2.4 billion in staff replacement costs), or £1035 annually for every employee in the UK (Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, 2014). ‘Presenteeism’ accounts for 1.5 times as much working time lost as absenteeism and costs more to employers because it is more common among higher-paid staff (Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health). As-slide.
Health and Well-Being at Royal Mail Group Health and Well-Being sits within Safety, Health and Environment. “SHE – managing quick accidents, and slow accidents”. Positive HR Policies support demographic at Royal Mail Group: Flexible working – elder care and child care, special leave, part-time working, job-sharing, and flexible hours. Consultation with the Trade Unions. Health and Well-Being Board– set up to identify and address the health risks to Royal Mail Group. Working group monitoring the impact of removal of the default retirement age. Occupational Health – support for all employees; new ‘Case Management’ approach for MSD and MH. Employee Benefits – reduced gym fees, Cycle2Work scheme, health insurance, executive health screening. Feeling First Class – Well-Being programme. Feeling First Class online Well-Being portal – website offering advice on healthy lifestyles. Onsite-gyms at 37 of the larger Royal Mail Group sites.
Health and Well-Being for 2015/16 Feeling First Class – Our Well-Being Brand First Class Mental Health First Class Support First Class Fitness First Class Lifestyle I’m Feeling First Class First Class Driving Well-Being Toolkit (Royal Mail Group intranet and Feeling First Class website) 12 Month Well-Being Calendar Well-Being – With an ageing workforce and increases in both musculoskeletal and mental health conditions it is imperative we support and promote proactive health and Well-Being to ensure we are taking the most appropriate preventative measures to protect the productivity, efficiency and attendance of our workforce. Well-Being is not just a nice to have; increasingly industry is seeing this as a competitive advantage in the marketplace. Feeling First Class – this is the health and Well-Being strategy. The programmes and interventions under development are based on a risk based model. The primary risks we face as a workforce are the ageing workforce, psychosocial risks and musculoskeletal disorders. To address these risks two critical projects are needed – the reintroduction of the health fairs (a new model and delivery has been designed) and through the psychosocial risk assessment which will enable us to address the stressors in the organisation and design and implement solutions. Health and Well-Being Communications Plan – The communications plan is a key part of the strategy to ensure that managers and employees are aware of the Well-Being services and offers available to them. This year we have launched I’m Feeling First Class which showcases Well-Being success stories across Royal Mail Group to inspire others. We also are continuing our communications improving manager knowledge on how to manage attendance and access information to help with the process. Health and Well-Being Toolkit - The Health and Well-Being intranet pages have been reviewed and rewritten for launch in the coming months. The Well-Being pages will have two main sections: ‘Occupational Health Information and Support’ and ‘Health and Feeling First Class Well-Being Toolkit’. The OH section will feature the OH guides, Vista guides and an A-Z of useful health information. The Well-Being Toolkit is divided into each of the strands of Feeling First Class (FFC): FFC Support, FFC Mental Health, FFC Fitness, FFC Lifestyle, FFC Driver and Well-Being Standards.
Biopsychosocial model of health Biological Sociological Psychological Health At Royal Mail Group we are not just looking at health in a one dimensional way – we recognise that health is multifaceted and that we must support people holistically. According to the biopsychosocial model, it is the interaction between one's genetic makeup (i.e., biology), mental health and personality (i.e., psychology), and sociocultural environment (i.e., social) that contribute to health or illness. The biological influences on mental health and mental illness are varied, and include genetics, infections, physical trauma, nutrition, hormones, and toxins. The psychological component looks for potential psychological causes for a health problem such as lack of self-control, emotional turmoil, and negative thinking. Social and cultural factors are conceptualized as a particular set of stressful events (e.g., losing one's job) that can differentially impact mental health depending on the individual and the social context in which they live.
Health and Well-Being Calendar April: Sun Safety (Hot weather) May: Action on Stroke Month June: Men’s Health Week/ Mental Health Video 2 July: Night Worker Risk Assessments/ Mental Health Video 3 and 4 August: Mental Health Video 5 September: National Work-Life Week (focus on sleep) October: World Mental Health Day and Health and Safety Week (Stress); ‘Stoptober’ (smoking) November: Flu Awareness Month December: Paused due to Christmas pressure; but EAP actively promoted January: Feeling First Class Month and Alcohol Awareness February: National Heart Month March: EAP actively promoted This is the Well-Being part of the SHE plan for 2015/16 – it is fully integrated as we are one function.
What is the Time to Change Pledge What is the Time to Change Pledge? The Time to Change Pledge is an aspirational statement with meaning, indicating to employees, service users and the public that an organisation wants to take action to tackle the stigma and discrimination around mental health, focusing on the workplace in particular. Mental Health; one of two biggest causes of absence (musculoskeletal is the other). Moya Greene our Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is hugely supportive of work on the mental health space.
Brian Scott, Unite; Moya Greene, Royal Mail Group; Paul Farmer, Mind. CWU are still to sign up but are committed to doing so.
Occupational Health – Case Management for MSD and MH Case managed approach to better support employees and managers with mental health related absences Mental Health Foundation Five bespoke awareness training videos Target Depression in the Workplace Charter 3: “A well-trained, responsive workforce” BITC Workwell – Mental Health Champions Leadership Team and Mental Health Champions Responsibility Deal Pledges Mental Health and Well-Being Physical Activity in the Workplace Health and Well-Being Report Occupational Health Standards EU-OSHA Campaign Partner – Healthy Workplaces Manage Stress Signed up in October 2014
Video Resources from Mental Health Foundation Multi-use: Suitable for use online in eLearning and intranet contexts Standalone for staff development sessions and Royal Mail TV Accessible through Accessible and Engaging: Expert input, in accessible manner Personal stories from people with relevant experience Graphics and simple tips As-slide. Keep an eye on the intranet.
Mental Health and Long Term Conditions Topics: Recognising Distress Helping Yourself Supporting Someone Mental Health and Long Term Conditions Supporting Colleagues with Mental Health Problems As-slide. Keep an eye on the intranet.
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). Not just for someone in distress also has a great manager coaching element if you need support or guidance on having a difficult conversation. It is very diverse in what it can offer.
The Well-Being Zone Available for use on all devices, don’t need to use your Royal Mail Group email address to sign up
Screen-grab for illustrative purposes.
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