“Writing our own narratives” The Global Advocacy Agenda for Young People Living with HIV
Overview: Global Advocacy Agenda The HIV Global Advocacy Agenda 2013–2015 aims to guide and inform actions and programmes of networks of people living with HIV and other stakeholders through an evidence-informed advocacy strategy by and for people living with HIV. The Global Advocacy Agenda has guided networks of people living with HIV and other organizations in their advocacy since 1999 Throughout 2012, PLHIV across the globe took part in an extensive consultation process, informing the development of this renewed Global Advocacy Agenda. The Global Advocacy Agenda is a groundbreaking document for the movement of people living with HIV, guiding efforts to achieving Positive Health, Dignity and Prevention. It reflects the diversity of the advocacy efforts within the community and as such is more than just an advocacy resource but a tool which galvanizes and unites people living with HIV and allies.
Topics under the GAA It captures the unmet needs of people living with HIV with respect to the following topics: Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support; Human Rights; and, Community Mobilisation, Strengthening and Activism. All advocacy points call on PLHIV to take action – either to address an issue with the community of PLHIV itself – or to urge external stakeholders to take action.
Advocacy Points Prevention, treatment, care and support Increasing access to antiretroviral drugs for all those who need them Prevention of vertical transmission Treatment as prevention HIV testing and counselling Treatment literacy Diagnostics and monitoring (viral load, CD4 count and drug resistance) Psychosocial support (and care and support more broadly) Human rights Eradicating stigma and discrimination (and protecting the right to confidentiality and privacy) Sexual and reproductive health and rights Ending criminalisation of HIV non-disclosure, potential or perceived exposure, or non-intentional transmission Elimination of HIV-related restrictions on entry, stay and residence Community mobilisation, strengthening and activism Involvement of people living with HIV (in service delivery, policy and programming) Funding for the HIV response Engagement of key populations in networks of people living with HIV Networks capacity building People living with HIV and new science and research
POSITIVE HEALTH, DIGNITY & PREVENTION Improve the dignity, quality, and length of life of people living with HIV
Positive Health Dignity and Prevention (PHDP) Living document adapting to the evolving needs of people living with HIV & policies and programmes that serve them. In 2013, GNP+ released the PHDP Operational Guidelines outlining steps for operationalising this Framework at a national level, supporting networks of PLHIV to advocate for programming and policies, which respond to their needs in a holistic manner. Operationalising it is not about creating new programmes, except where basic programmes currently do not exist but using this new framework to create linkages among existing programmes and also taking them to scale, so that they are more efficient and more responsive to the needs of PLHIV. PHDP highlights the importance of placing people living with HIV at the centre of managing their health and wellbeing. From the perspective of people living with HIV, PHDP involves the following: a supportive legal and policy environment; focusing on holistic health promotion, not only on transmission prevention; tailored to setting, key populations, and to the individual; defined by people living with HIV.
Nine Areas in PHDP Operational Guidelines The framework recommends nine action areas to move forward with the development of operational guidelines for PHDP, with specific roles and responsibilities for GNP+, other networks of people living with HIV, civil society, the public and private sectors, UNAIDS Secretariat and cosponsors, and donor agencies. Advocacy Building evidence Dissemination Policy dialogue Planning Implementation Integration Monitoring and evaluation (M&E), and Adaptation and improvement
Increasing access to, and understanding of, evidence-informed, human-rights-based policies and programmes that support individuals living with HIV to make choices that address their needs and allow them to live healthy lives free from stigma and discrimination. Scaling up and supporting existing HIV counselling, testing, care, support, treatment, and prevention programmes that are community owned and led, and increasing access to rights-based health services including sexual and reproductive health. Scaling-up and supporting literacy programmes in health, treatment, prevention, human rights and the law, and ensuring that human rights are promoted and implemented through relevant programmes and protections. Ensuring that undiagnosed and diagnosed people, along with their partners and communities, are included in HIV prevention programmes that highlight shared responsibilities regardless of known or perceived HIV status and have opportunities for, rather than barriers to, empowering themselves and their sexual partner(s). Scaling up and supporting social capital programmes that focus on community-driven, sustainable responses to HIV by investing in community development, networking, capacity-building, and resources for people living with HIV organizations and networks
WRITING OUR OWN NARRATIVES The Global Advocacy Agenda for Young People Living with HIV