Plasmid Construction and Purification of Arabidopsis Plantacyanin and Lily Chemocyanin in a Prokaryotic System Suhyen Lee and Brooke Vuong (Aram Nersissian)
Outline Purpose Arabidopsis Plantacyanin Lily Chemocyanin Chemotropism Assay pET-3a vector Mechanism-Plasmid Construction -PCR Condition -DNA purification after PCR -DNA digestion and ligation -Transformation -Protein Purification
Purpose collaborate with UCR to purify protein so that UCR can use purified protein to do further research on Arabidopsis Plantacyanin and Lily Chemocyanin
A basic, 10kD, copper binding …..protein with pI ~10 Characterized by turning blue upon …..binding copper in its +2 oxidation …..state Its function remains unknown Has a single copper binding site …..formed by four ligands: two …..histidines and a cystein …..coordinate equatorially, while the …..fourth, axial ligand, is a …..methionine or a glutamine. The redox potential of plantacyanin …..bound copper varies with the …..hydrophobicity of the axial ligand: … increases along with the …..hydrophobicity of the ligand Arabidopsis Plantacyanin /students/ngo/research.html
A member of the plantacyanin family ….copper binding proteins Implicated in Chemotropism in lily ….stigma Essential in pollination: pollen tube ….chemotropism induction Shows 67% sequence similarity to ….plantacyanin Copper binding site: two histidines and ….a cysteine. In place of the axial ligand ….has a non-coordinating, hydrophobic ….leucine residue. Copper binding and other biochemical ….and biophysical properties have not ….been characterized. Lily Chemocyanin
Copyright ©2003 by the National Academy of Sciences Kim, Sunran et al. (2003) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100, Fig. 3. Chemotropism assay showing pollen tube reorientation over time (A and B) and quantification method (C)
pET-3a Vector *Designed for cloning and recombinant protein expressions in prokaryotic system, E. Coli. *Utilizes T7 RNA polymerase in the host cell to transcribe and translate. *Has NdeI and BamHI restriction sites which make directional cloning possible *Presence of selective marker, Ampicillin resistant gene
Plasmid Construction of Arabidopsis Plantacyanin Primers 1&3 Primer 1: AtPNCNdeMet1 gatcgacatatggccaagggaagaggcagtgc Primer 3: AtPNCNdeMet32 tacgttcatatggcaacgtacacggtcggtgactctgg Reverse Primer: AtPNCBamStop tagaggatccatcaaaccgcggtgactgcgattttc P32 P1
Plasmid Construction of Lily Chemocyanin Primer 2: lilChemNdeMet1 atctatcatatggctcagggaagtggcagtgcag Primer 4: lilChemNdeMet30 gtggcccatatggtcgtctataccgtcggcgatggc Reverse Primer: lilChemBamStop gagaggatccttaagctgctgtgactgctatcttcaaacc L30 L1
PCR Condition JRAY 94°C 2min 94°C 1min 50°C 1min 72°C 2min 72°C 10min 4°C 99hr N2 94°C 2min 94°C 1min 50°C 1min 72°C 4min 72°C 10min 4°C 99hr 30X *Reaction program Jray was the first program that I used. Using Jray program yielded product, yet the size of the DNA was incorrect. *Reaction program N2 is 60min longer than Jray and using this program yielded right size DNA
DNA Purification after PCR Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Low Melting Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Phenol-Chlorform Extraction Cold Ethanol Precipitation DNA is in aqueous phase in phenol-chloroform extraction After ethanol precipitation, DNA is in the pallet
DNA Digestion & Ligation Digest DNA with restriction enzyme, NdeI & BamHI with NEB buffer #2 Purify DNA After Restriction Digestion DNA Ligation with pET-3a vector
Transformation into Competent Cells
Conclusion *P1 expression produced large quantities of recombinant protein *No presence of protein for L1 *Protein in P1 can be purified via glucose shock then ultrafiltration *Protein in L30 should be purified via sonication, 8M urea treatment, and ultrafiltration
Protein Purification: Ultrafiltration of P1
Protein Purification: L30 purification
Further Research Purified proteins will be sent to University of California, Riverside for further study of Lily Chemocyanin
Acknowledgement First of all I want to thank God, Dr. Nersissian, Brooke Vuong, and Nicole. And I also want to thank Sam Phang, Penny Saephan, Phuong Minh and Nersissian Lab folks.