Implementing dynamic membership in a secure multicast protocol Ilana Sarfati and Orna Dutech Winter 2004 Supervisor : Gal Badishi הטכניון – מכון טכנולוגי לישראל הפקולטה להנדסת חשמל המעבדה לתוכנה
Project Presentation (1) Implementation of a dynamic membership protocol In a multicast protocol, several processes form a multicast group. Each process in the group exchanges messages with the other group members. In a secure implementation, where every message is digitally signed by its creator, each group member must hold public keys corresponding to the other members. When a new member joins the group, its key must be propagated among the other processes, and the other processes must send their keys to the newly joined member. Conversely, when a user leaves the system, the corresponding public key should be deleted from the other users' databases.
Project Presentation (2) Implementation of a dynamic membership protocol The project's goal is to design and implement an efficient dynamic membership protocol for such a scenario, in a hostile environment. The project is developed in Java, as an extension to an existing system.
The join mechanism When a new member joins the group : its certificate (containing its public key, its ip address, its port…) must be propagated among the other processes. it must receive the certificates of the already connected processes. A join request is the message sent by the new host to some members to indicate them that it wants to join. It contains the new host certificate. It is the only non signed message in the system.
The leave mechanism When a user leaves the system, its public key should be deleted from the other users' database. The goal is to ensure that every host has a view of active members so that it will not send messages to hosts who have left. A leave request is the message sent by a host to a member to indicate that it wants to leave. It is an empty message which is identified by its type.
The ping feature : Motivation Problem: If a host cannot answer anymore to requests (maybe because it failed), the other members should know about it so that they’ll not try to communicate with it anymore. Solution : Solution : If host B doesn’t answer to the requests of member A during a long time, it has to be removed from A’s database.