AAAAAAHHHH Test time again?!?
What to do before a test: 1.Daily Reviews: short pre- and post reviews of lecture notes, Daily reviews of what you have already read (concentrate on material you are learning and simple memorization), regular daily reviews during exam week, short reviews several times throughout your day, and begin early, don’t wait to long.
What to do before a test: 2.Weekly reviews: structured reviews that are around an hour, don’t skip from subject to subject to quickly, contents should include reviews of assigned reading, reviews of lecture notes, and questions you may have. look over any summaries or flashcards that you may have.
What to do before a test: 3.Major reviews: About a week before the exam 2 to 3 hour study sessions, punctuated by breaks, (efficiency drops after an hour, so take breaks) After breaks don’t refresh you anymore, quit for the day. Study hardest topics first, while you are still fresh, Set aside time (within three days or a week of the exam) to decide how to quit procrastinating Create rewards for studying,
What to do before a test: 4.Study Checklists: Make a list and physically check off the studying that you do. Make a list for each subject. List reading assignments and chapters that you must read. Start a checklist the first day of class
What to do before a test: 5.Flashback: Flashcards or portable test questions. On one side write the question, on the other side write the answer. Create flashcards regularly during the term. Carry flashcards with you whenever you go anywhere where you may have a spare minute to review.
What to do during test !?! Answer the easiest questions first. Answer the shortest questions first as well. Next answer multiple choice, true-false, and fill in the blank questions Use memory techniques when you get stuck, like remembering something related or going from general to specific. Leave space during answering, in case you remember something. Look for answers in other test questions. In quick answer questions your first response is usually the right one.
Types of Tests Multiple Choice Questions Check to see if answers can be used more than once. Answer the question in your head before you look at the answers. Mark the ones you can’t answer and then come back to them. If you have to, use the following guidelines to guess: –If two answers are similar, choose one of them –If the answers have similar sounding or looking words, choose one of them. –If the answer calls for a sentence, eliminate answers that do not fit grammatically –If two quantities are almost the same, choose one of them –If the answers cover a wide range, choose the one in the middle –If there is no penalty for guessing, close your eyes and go for it
Types of Tests True-False Questions Answer these questions quickly, for they are usually not worth a lot of points. If any part of the true/false statement is false, the statement is false. Look for qualifiers like, “all,” “most,” “sometimes,” “never,” or “rarely.” These are key words on which the question depends. Words such as “always” and “never” usually mean a false statement
Types of Tests Machine-Graded Tests Be certain the you mark the blank on the answer sheet that corresponds to the question your answering. Recheck to make sure they correspond.
Types of Tests Open-Book Tests Write down any formulas you will need on a separate sheet. Tape tabs on important pages If you plan to use your notes, make a short table for them. Prepare thoroughly for the test, for they are the most difficult.
Types of Tests Short-Answer\ Fill in the Blank Tests Concentrate on key words in the question. Be brief. If you know the question backwards and forwards you can answer the question almost as fast as you can write.
Types of Tests Essay Questions Find out what the question is asking-precisely. Learn standard essay question words well. Before you begin, make a short outline. Write clearly. Be brief Use a pen. When possible, write on one side of the page only. If you have time, review your answers.