1 Computer Based Information Systems
Information SystemsSlide 2 What is a System? A collection of components purposefully organised into a functioning whole to accomplish a goal
Information SystemsSlide 3 Types of Systems Natural Systems – exist in natural world –The solar system –Biological systems Artificial Systems – created for a specific purpose –Transport system –Communications system –Education system
Information SystemsSlide 4 The Systems Life-Cycle All systems have a life cycle Birth Grow to maturity Need maintenance/adjustment Become obsolete and perhaps need replacement
Information SystemsSlide 5 Examples Transport systems have moved from the Pony Express to Concorde, TGV and space exploration Communications systems have moved from carrier pigeons, the telegraph to Internet, satellites, and mobile phones
Information SystemsSlide 6 Information Systems These are systems designed to provide essential information services to organisations The goal is to help an organisation to plan and control its operations
Information SystemsSlide 7 Services of an IS Keeping track of transactions (exchanges of goods and services) Assisting decision-makers by providing needed facts and figures Providing documentation needed by customers/suppliers/employees/wages
Information SystemsSlide 8 Computer Based IS Computers have special capabilities at dealing with data and information –Large storage capacity –Ability to process huge amounts of raw data quickly –Ability to make complex calculations quickly –Ability to search for and find data quickly
Information SystemsSlide 9 Why use an IS? A Company’s IS can give it –A competitive advantage –Better quality products –Better quality service to customers thus more customer satisfaction –Greater efficiency and profitability
Information SystemsSlide 10 Capabilities of an IS Accepting input (raw data) Processing the data to produce information Distributing the information throughout the organisation Producing reports for managers
Information SystemsSlide 11 What does a CBIS need? It includes the following: –data –hardware –software –trained personnel and –procedures
Information SystemsSlide 12 Software and Systems Developing an IS means developing the software and systems that will work to produce the information required
Information SystemsSlide 13 Developing an IS for Business This is a process which follows different methodologies depending on circumstances Regardless of the method used the objective is to have a computer system that serves the needs of the business
Information SystemsSlide 14 Some Methodologies The Systems Development Life Cycle method RAD and Prototyping Customisation of Off-the-shelf Software End-User development
Information SystemsSlide 15 IS in Organisations Different people have different needs from IS and need different types of IS –Transaction processing systems –Management Information systems –Decision-support systems –Expert systems