Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | The HZDR Program towards a Helmholtz beamline at XFEL Roland Sauerbrey Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | Member of the Helmholtz Association Foundation (e.V.) Employeesca. 800 including ca. 260 scientists doctoral students as well as employees and guest scientists from more than 40 countries BudgetPublic funding (2011)ca. 84 Mio. € Saxon investment program ca. 70 Mio. € ( ) Third-party funding and other sourcesca. 20 Mio. € HZDR – Facts and Figures
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | Ion Beam Center Radiation Source ELBE Free-Electron-Lasers High-Intensity Laser Rossendorf Beamline ROBL at the ESRF TOPFLOW Facility High Magnetic Field Laboratory Dresden PET Center Advanced Materials Research How does matter behave in strong fields and at small dimensions? Nuclear Safety Research How can the public and the environment be protected from technical risks? Cancer Research How can cancerous tumors be identified in the early stages and treated effectively? Research Questions and Large-Scale Facilities
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | Concept: Unique combination of: high-power high-brilliance CW electron beams, synchronized with high rep-rate, ultra-high intensity lasers. Development of: new radiation sources, in unique combinations, enabling study of matter under extreme conditions & in new regimes. Will constitute a prototype for future facilities: National Center for Radiation Research in Oncology-Dresden, and Helmholtz beamline at XFEL, or FAIR. Center for high power radiation HZDR
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | ELBE Upgrades High Intensity Lasers Zentrum HSQ Center for high power radiation HZDR
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | Center for high power radiation sources
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | PW area Petawatt, Energy-Efficient Laser for Optical Plasma Experiments Development of a 2nd generation directly diode laser pumped short pulse PW laser (design: 150J in 150fs, >1Hz rep. Rate, active medium Yb:CaF2 discs ) based on the 1st generation project POLARIS at IOQ Jena Complemented by running 150TW Ti:Sapphire laser Draco (upgrade to PW level in progress)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | 2 × 2 × 2 m 3 4 × 2 × 0.1 m³ (table top) (a) pump setup 4-pass pumping reduces reabsorption losses by 75% (c) laser material cooling Rod designSlab designActive Mirrors Repetition rate 1/min Repetition rate 1-10Hz (b) laser material Brightness: ~100kW/cm 2 /sr Wavelength: 940 nm Brightness: >1MW/cm 2 /sr Wavelength: 980 nm Yb:FP glass Yb:CaF 2 From POLARIS (IOQ Jena) to PEnELOPE (HZDR)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | Nonlinear QED
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | QED regime: small photon energy (compared to m e c 2 ) highest intensity (yet low compared to I c =4·10 29 W/cm 2 ) dispersive effect (vacuum polarization) calculated in lowest non-trivial order O(I) and O(ω 2 probe ) -> birefringence phase shift Laser-induced vacuum birefringence
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | phase shift Resulting ellipticity measurable ellipticity (intensity measurement) brilliant X-ray probehigh intensity and interaction length TH. Heinzl, et al. Opt. Commun. 267, 318 (2006)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | Proposed experimental realization highest intensity see talk by I. Uschmann
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director | High contrast x-ray analyzers (Hart 1991, Hasegawa 1999, Alp 2000): Multiple Bragg reflections from perfect crystals Contrast in the multi-keV range from 10 6 (measured) to possibly (calculated) Requiring perfect X-ray beam quality (in polarization and geometry) Detector (analyzer) technology
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. R. Sauerbrey | Scientific Director |