Mohammad Alshayeb 19 May 2009. Agenda Update on Computer Science Program Assessment/Accreditation Work Update on Software Engineering Program Assessment/Accreditation.


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Presentation transcript:

Mohammad Alshayeb 19 May 2009

Agenda Update on Computer Science Program Assessment/Accreditation Work Update on Software Engineering Program Assessment/Accreditation Work New Initiatives MS in Software Engineering MS in Information Security and Assurance BS in Information Technology Third IAC Meeting 20092

Update on CS Program Assessment Work Third IAC Meeting 20093

CS & SWE ABET Preparation The ABET self-study report for CS & SWE were prepared and sent to the ABET steering committee for feedback. ABET visit is expected in 091. Third IAC Meeting 20094

Review Program Educational Objectives Old program educational objectives 1-2 below were hard to assess. The new ones are much easier to assess. (New) Prepare graduates, who are entering immediately into professional practice upon graduation, to be capable of performing duties on an entry-level computing-related position. (Old) Critically analyze and apply a range of concepts, principles, and practices in net-centric computing, information management, or intelligent systems; showing a range of problem solving skills and effective judgment in the selection and use of corresponding tools and techniques. (New) Prepare graduates to pursue graduate studies to successfully complete an advanced degree. (Old) Demonstrate a sound understanding of the main areas of the body of knowledge and the theories of computer science, with an ability to exercise critical judgment across a range of related issues. Third IAC Meeting 20095

Review Program Educational Objectives (Cont.) New program educational objectives 3-5 below are exactly similar to the old ones, but with rewording so that they are all consistent. (New) Prepare graduates to work as individuals with minimum guidance and as leaders or members of a team. (Old) Demonstrate the ability to work as an individual with minimum guidance and as a leader/member of a team. (New) Prepare graduates to follow appropriate practices within a professional, legal, and ethical framework. (Old) Follow appropriate practices within a professional, legal, and ethical framework. (New) Prepare graduates to recognize the need for and be capable of pursuing life-long learning. (Old) Identify mechanisms for continuing professional development and life-long learning. Third IAC Meeting 20096

CS Program Educational Objectives 1. Prepare graduates, who are entering immediately into professional practice upon graduation, to be capable of performing duties on an entry-level computing-related position. 2. Prepare graduates to pursue graduate studies to successfully complete an advanced degree. 3. Prepare graduates to work as individuals with minimum guidance and as leaders or members of a team. 4. Prepare graduates to follow appropriate practices within a professional, legal, and ethical framework. 5. Prepare graduates to recognize the need for and be capable of pursuing life-long learning. Third IAC Meeting 20097

Program Learning Outcomes (OLD) Knowledge in major: Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles, and theories relating to computational processes and systems. Modeling: Graduates will be able to use the acquired knowledge and understanding in the modeling and design of computational processes and systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoff involved in design choices. Problem solving: Graduates will be able to identify and analyze criteria and specifications appropriate to specific problems, and plan and design strategies for their solution. Critical evaluation and testing: Graduates will be able to use quality models in analyzing the extent to which a computational process or a computational system meets the criteria defined for its current use and future development Methods and tools: Graduates will be able to employ appropriate methods and tools for the specification, design, implementation, and evaluation of computational processes and systems. Professional responsibility: Graduates will be able to recognize and be guided by the social, professional, legal, and ethical issues involved in the use and development of computer technology. Risk analysis: Graduates will be able to identify and assess different types of risk related to the development and management of computational processes and systems. Communication: Graduates will be able to express ideas persuasively, in written and oral form. Teamwork: Graduates will be able to work effectively as leader/member of a development team. Self management: Graduates will be able to manage their own learning and development, including time management and organizational skills Professional development: Graduates will be able to keep abreast of current developments in the discipline to continue their own professional development. Computing and society: Graduates will be able to understand the impact of computing solutions in a global and societal context. Third IAC Meeting 20098

Review Program Learning Outcomes Some program outcomes are hard to assess (e.g. Knowledge in Major) Some program outcomes are not really outcomes for the CS program (e.g. “Risk Analysis” and “Critical Evaluation and Testing”) In late 2007, ABET published it’s a-k program outcomes for Computing Programs. These outcomes did not include “Risk Analysis” and “Critical Evaluation and Testing”. Both outcomes were identified as weak when we assessed them earlier, before looking at ABET’s published outcomes. Therefore, the low assessment was due to the fact that they are not expected outcomes of our CS program. Hence, the CS Program Curriculum Committee decided to adopt the published ABET a-k outcomes as is. Third IAC Meeting 20099

Review Program Learning Outcomes (NEW) (Adopted As Is from Latest ABET Self Study Guide) a. An ability to apply knowledge of computing and mathematics appropriate to the discipline b. An ability to analyze a problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution c. An ability to design, implement, and evaluate a computer-based system, process, component, or program to meet desired needs d. An ability to function effectively on teams to accomplish a common goal e. An understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security and social issues and responsibilities f. An ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences g. An ability to analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals, organizations, and society h. Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in continuing professional development i. An ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice. j. An ability to apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and computer science theory in the modeling and design of computer-based systems in a way that demonstrates comprehension of the tradeoffs involved in design choices. k. An ability to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems of varying complexity. Third IAC Meeting

CS Program Assessment Cycle Third IAC Meeting

Third IAC Meeting Program Learning Outcomes Assessment (Course Learning Outcomes Surveys)

Third IAC Meeting Update on SWE Program Assessment Work

ABET preparation and assessment Program objectives and outcomes have not changed Third IAC Meeting

Indirect measure values for each program learning outcome based on students survey Third IAC Meeting

CS & SWE Programs Assessment Plans Program Educational Objectives Third IAC Meeting Academic Year Semester Alumni Survey June 2009 June 2011 Employer Survey June 2011 Academic Year Semester Alumni Survey June 2013 June 2015 Employer Survey June 2015

New Initiatives

Graduate Programs in Software Engineering

New Graduate Programs in Software Engineering Two new masters in Software Engineering Master of Science in Software Engineering (MS. SWE) Course work and a thesis (thesis option) Full and part-time time graduate students. Master of Software Engineering (M. SWE) Consists of course work only (non-thesis option) Part-time graduate students only Third IAC Meeting

The Objectives of the programs M.S.SWE Prepare graduates with the necessary core skills based on the core body of knowledge in software engineering so that the individual can formulate research models and select the best solution to solve real world problem. M.SWE Develop future leaders of industrial software engineering practice – the future chief engineers, head designers, and principal technical officers of their companies. Third IAC Meeting

Graduate Programs in Information Security and Assurance

Importance of CSIA KSA ranked first in the GCC for online attacks, according to April 2009 report by Symantec Attacks are on the increase, and becoming very sophisticated Third IAC Meeting

New graduate programs in Information Security and Assurance (IS&A) Two new MS programs in IS&A Master of Science in Information Security and Assurance (MS.IS&A) Course work and a thesis (thesis option) Full and part-time time graduate students. Master of Information Security and Assurance (M.IS&A) consists of course work only (non-thesis option) Part-time graduate students only Third IAC Meeting

The Program Objective M.S.IS&A – Provide the needed leaders and professionals who will be capable of securing and protecting KSA cyber network and critical infrastructure from inside and outside threats and attacks that now face KSA and the GCC region. M.IS&A – Build the local experts and leaders of information security and assurance who will be responsible for building security solutions for the protection of the Saudi IT infrastructures Third IAC Meeting

Concentration Areas Applied Cryptography Network Security Computer Security Computer Forensics Information Security Secure Software Biometrics Third IAC Meeting

BS in Information Technology

Focuses on integrating information technology and business solutions to meet the needs of corporations and other institutions and enable them to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently IT Program Objective Prepare graduates with the necessary IT skills based on the core body of knowledge in information technology recommended by professional societies so that the individual can be productive contributor to the local industry Third IAC Meeting

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