Labour Regulation Over Time: New Leximetric Evidence Zoe Adams, Louise Bishop, Simon Deakin, Colin Fenwick, Sara Martinsson and Giudetta Rusconi RDW Conference, ILO, Geneva, July 2015
General trends in labour regulation: DFE and EPL Liberalisation of rules governing use of different forms of employment (DFE) But, increased protection of part-time, fixed-term and temporary agency work, aimed at harmonising conditions of employment with those of the ‘standard’ employment contract Some limited deregulation of employment protection law (EPL) in response to the crisis in Europe, but not in other regions
CBR-LRI indicators
Trends in DFEs By regionBy country type
Trends in EPL Overall averageEurope
Europe, comparing trends in DFE and EPL
Pooled mean group estimation with DFE
Pooled mean group estimation with EPL
Conclusions There is a high degree of regional and global convergence in the formal content of laws governing non-standard employment forms and dismissal protection The economic effects of employment protection laws are not negative, and may sometimes be positive These effects are relatively small when set against wider economic trends