Saying Goodbye… In May of 2003 after 5 years of a great school, I graduated from Sonoma State University with a Liberal Studies degree!
Saying Hello… I moved to Los Angeles in early summer and settled into my strange new environment! I didn’t know a soul, so I was going to have to go through this experience prepared for anything!
My Credential Experience I walked on this campus a year and a a half ago, not knowing what to expect… A long road behind me and I am finally at my goal!
CSUN I spent many hours working hard to finish all my course work.
Roosevelt Elementary Burbank, California My Observation experience was at a fabulous school near my house! My mentor teacher taught me a lot of upper grade policy!
Riverside Drive Sherman Oaks My full day student teaching experience was absolutely fabulous. I learned so much in my 9 weeks here. I will miss all my kids dearly!
Mrs. Pacino She was my observation teacher, and she taught Social Studies. I took many great ideas from her!
Mrs. Rahim She was my most influential teacher yet She pushed me to limits I didn’t know I could attain. I value all her help greatly
Miss Graham I’m ready to take on my own classroom because of the learning I’ve gone through in the last year and a half. I will be in a constant learning process and I am so excited for the challenge!