The Tilted Funds Group Company Presentation The Tilted Funds Group
Philosophy Buy Low, Sell High Process Timely Objective Flexible Performance Risk Management People
Philosophy Based on the fundamental law of supply and demand, demand must be greater than supply for price appreciation to occur. TA’s buy/sell method complements each index providers fundamental stock selection process by identifying those stocks with increasing demand. Fundamentally sound stocks, which are in demand produce price appreciation. Based on the fundamental law of supply and demand, demand must be greater than supply for price appreciation to occur. TA’s buy/sell method complements each index providers fundamental stock selection process by identifying those stocks with increasing demand. Fundamentally sound stocks, which are in demand produce price appreciation.
Philosophy TA buys low (relatively) when a stock’s price is rising on strong demand and sells high (relatively) when the price is falling on weak demand. TA holds winners and sells losers. TA buys low (relatively) when a stock’s price is rising on strong demand and sells high (relatively) when the price is falling on weak demand. TA holds winners and sells losers. Buy Low, Sell High
Process TA’s process is equal dollar weighting, rebalanced annually. Investment dollars of sold index component stocks remain allocated to that ticker and are placed in money market accounts until demand dictates that the stock be bought.
Process Timely TA’s fundamental demand analysis is monitored and updated daily for portfolio adjustments.
Process Process Objective TA’s buy/sell process is completely objective. The methodology closely tracks and follows the individual component stocks of each index. The sum total of shareholder knowledge, reflected by demand, long term, has proven to be more correct than than any one single individual opinion. TA’s buy/sell process is completely objective. The methodology closely tracks and follows the individual component stocks of each index. The sum total of shareholder knowledge, reflected by demand, long term, has proven to be more correct than than any one single individual opinion.
Process Flexible TA’s investment management philosophy and process is flexible and can be applied to all major indices or any subset.
Performance TA’s returns have exceeded the S&P500 over the past 5 years by an average 6.5% per year (1). Holding only those index component stocks whose price is rising, and cash for all others, works! 1.See “Disclosures & Disclaimers” page 15
Performance Risk Management TA returns are even greater on a risk adjusted basis, because we only invest in those component stocks whose price is rising on strong demand.
See “Disclosures & Disclaimers” page 15
People People Philip E. Yockey, Chief Investment Officer, has been in the securities industry for over 21 years, as a Financial Consultant, Portfolio Manager, Vice President of Managed Products and Director of Research for firms including Shearson Lehman Brothers, William Blair & Company, Oppenheimer, Stifel Nicolaus, Tactical Analytics, Inc. Mr. Yockey hails from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor with a BA in Psychology. Hal Lueking, Managing Director, has 20 years sales, marketing and management experience in various fields and holds a BS in Business Administration, Management and Marketing from the University of Missouri at St. Louis.
People , Chief Information Officer, has been in the financial services industry over 30 years, as a broker, consultant, V.P. Finance, risk manager and relationship manager. Jack has an MBA in Finance and a B.A. in Math. Jack Fischer, Chief Information Officer, has been in the financial services industry over 30 years, as a broker, consultant, V.P. Finance, risk manager and relationship manager. Jack has an MBA in Finance and a B.A. in Math. , Marketing and Business Development, has over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing. She was the co-founder of three investment funds, which were managed by Brad Peery Capital Inc. In addition, Ms. Landry developed Brad Peery Capital’s relationships with the venture capital community. The firm participated as an investor in 23 private placements. While at Brad Peery Inc., a broker-dealer founded by Brad Peery, Ms. Landry established the firm’s investment banking department, which participated as an underwriter in over 200 public offerings. Prior to joining Brad Peery Inc., Ms. Landry began her career at First Albany Corporation. Ms. Landry earned a B.S. in Applied Economics from the University of San Francisco, and she is a member of the Women's Syndicate Association and the Woman’s Financial Association of San Francisco. Karen Landry, Marketing and Business Development, has over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing. She was the co-founder of three investment funds, which were managed by Brad Peery Capital Inc. In addition, Ms. Landry developed Brad Peery Capital’s relationships with the venture capital community. The firm participated as an investor in 23 private placements. While at Brad Peery Inc., a broker-dealer founded by Brad Peery, Ms. Landry established the firm’s investment banking department, which participated as an underwriter in over 200 public offerings. Prior to joining Brad Peery Inc., Ms. Landry began her career at First Albany Corporation. Ms. Landry earned a B.S. in Applied Economics from the University of San Francisco, and she is a member of the Women's Syndicate Association and the Woman’s Financial Association of San Francisco.
Disclosures & Disclaimers Tactical Analytics, Inc is registered with Saxony Capital Management, LLC, as an Investment Advisor. Saxony Capital Management, LLC 86 Kenrick Plaza, 86 Kenrick Plaza, St. Louis, MO St. Louis, MO (314) (314) A State Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through Saxony Securities, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC A State Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through Saxony Securities, Inc. Member NASD/SIPC The investment results for Tactical Analytics, Inc begin 01/01/2000. The performance is not an actual account but a hypothetical return of $1,000,000 invested. The rate of return considers the following, a) All money flows into or out of the funds, b) All realized gains and losses, c) All unrealized gains or losses, d) All dividends and interest income. There is no statistical correlation between past and future performance. As such, there is no assurance that results approximating these returns will continue in the future. The S&P 500 Index is an index of 500 stocks selected by Standard & Poor’s. The NASDAQ 100 Index is an index of 100 stocks selected by The Nasdaq Stock Market, Inc.