All About the Master’s Thesis Michael I. Schwartzbach Gudmund S. Frandsen University of Aarhus Department of Computer Science
2 All About the Master's Thesis Academic Purpose The Cand.XYZ studies are completed with a thesis. The student works independently with a relevant subject and must demonstrate ability to: identify and analyze a problem area provide a written documentation of the work both on a scientific basis.
3 All About the Master's Thesis Different Kinds of Theses Survey of research area. Implementation of theoretical results. Didactic analysis of an area. Solving a real-life practical problem. Novel scientific results.
4 All About the Master's Thesis Size of The Thesis The thesis is generally of size 30 ECTS. For “old” cs students : 40 ECTS. “old” ~ accepted into the Master’s Programme in Computer Science 2004 or earlier Experimental theses may be of size 60 ECTS. Q: My university registration information says “60 ECTS for the thesis year”? Thesis is still 30 or 40 ECTS. The rest is courses. Graded by 13-scale or examined in combination with final thesis exam
5 All About the Master's Thesis Language Requirements The thesis must be written in Danish or English. In each case, a summary (2-3 pages) must be provided in the other language.
6 All About the Master's Thesis The Supervisor The student must have a main supervisor at Datalogisk Institut, who must be a member of the permanent scientific staff. The thesis project may additionally be supervised by other scientific staff: from Datalogisk Institut from other departments at University of Aarhus from other research institutions from private industry The main supervisor is responsible for maintaining all rules and ensuring the quality of the work, and must participate in the final exam.
7 All About the Master's Thesis Project Groups The thesis work may take place in a project group (typically of size 2 or 3). For a group thesis, the thesis report must identify the parts for which each student is mainly responsible.
8 All About the Master's Thesis Thesis Contract A thesis contract is written by the student and the main supervisor at the beginning of the thesis work. The contract must specify: the student the main supervisor possibly a project supervisor the working title the area of specialization the size of the project (ECTS) the starting date the finishing date activity level required resources publication rights
9 All About the Master's Thesis Written Assignments If the terms of the contract are significantly violated, a new contract must be written and approved by the Teaching Committee. If this second contract is also violated, the student may be required to complete the thesis project through a written assignment that must be completed in 4 to 6 weeks. Written assignments are strictly individual and cannot be completed by a project group.
10 All About the Master's Thesis Final Exam The thesis work is completed with an individual final exam that includes an external examiner (censor). The exam has two parts: a 30 minute lecture on a topic from the area of the thesis work a 30 minute oral examination The lecture topic is decided by the main supervisor, the project supervisor, and the external examiner, and is given to the student 7 days before the exam. The oral examination deals with the topics of the thesis report or the written assignment and the contents of the lecture.
11 All About the Master's Thesis Thesis Curriculum The curriculum of the final exam is determined by the literature that is referenced in the thesis report or the written assignment. For group projects, these may be individualized. Don’t reference anything that you haven’t read and understood!
12 All About the Master's Thesis Thesis Grading The student receives a single combined grade on the 13-scale, covering both the written and oral contributions. The title of the thesis both in English and Danish and possibly the area of specialization is written on the student's transcript. specializations approved by the study board: Tech IT: “Distribuerede Realtidssystemer” Tech IT: “Multimedieteknologi”
13 All About the Master's Thesis Exam Scheduling For cand.scient. exam: The student must register for the final exam as for all other exams The date of the oral defense is determined by the main supervisor (who also selects the external examiner). The date is at most 2 month after the deadline for handing in the thesis. All other exams must be completed before the defense!
14 All About the Master's Thesis Handing in The Thesis Deadline for handing in your thesis is specified in the thesis contract Two bound copies and one unbound copy of the thesis report or written assignment must be handed in. A special cover page must be used. A PDF version must also be supplied.
15 All About the Master's Thesis Thesis Freebies Students working on their thesis usually get office seatings (for one or two semester). You have to apply! When a thesis contract has first been signed, a thesis group with N members will receive N+1 free cards for the photo copiers.