November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley LCLS Feedback
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Topics MATLAB Feedback Where we are now Still to do Fast Feedback Plans The Team The Work Types of feedbacks Proposed Feedback Architecture Major subprojects The Schedule
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley MATLAB:Where we are now 13 Feedback loops in operation Bunch charge 5 Launch loops 7 configurations of Longitudinal feedback
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley MATLAB: Still to do Still to do New Launch feedbacks Additional Longitudinal configurations Smart Longitudinal Feedback Time-slot awareness
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Still to do: Launch Feedbacks L3 Launch BSY Launch LTU Launch Undulator Launch NOTE: Launch feedbacks are fairly easy to create and deploy, as long as all devices are EPICS controlled.
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Still to do: Longitudinal Feedback Longitudinal Feedback RF Control in L2 and L3 Want to try out ‘Energy’ and ‘Chirp’ PVs as actuators for L2 need to add similar control for L3 Add DL2 energy (or BSY energy) to Longitudinal Must calculate the new ‘Energy’ measurement two different ways, depending on beam destination. One Shift – test L2 control One Shift – test L3 control + BPM measurements at DL2 One Shift – test 6x6 Feedback Make Longitudinal a single, smart feedback
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Smart Longitudinal Feedback Why do this? It’s already difficult to keep track of which longitudinal should run, and to remember to change it when beam conditions change. With the addition of DL2 energy, the number of longitudinal feedbacks to choose between, increases from 7 to 13+. The feedbacks do not respond to chicane on/off and there are no feedbacks that work with BC1 Off / BC2 On scenario. We can add this capability. Each longitudinal feedback has its own set of archived PVs – when switching from one longitudinal to another, the archiver also changes PVs. When looking back at archive, the user needs to look at all 7 (13+) sets of PVs or know which feedback was running at the time of interest. A new, smart Longitudinal feedback will have only one set of PVs. The feedbacks do not respond to online/offline devices right now. We can add this capability, and use it in a smart way.
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Time-Slot Aware in MATLAB Measurement by Time-slot System eDefs already have time-slot info. For example, we can set F1 for TS1 and F2 for TS4. Actuators by Time-slot Not available now. Ideally, an actuator PV per time-slot would work best for feedback, eg: BDES_TS1, BDES_TS4 For two time-slots, double the number of feedbacks in their configuration files use the Time-slot specific names for measurement, actuator, state PVs. In the soft IOC, double the number of states and state setpoints PVs, storage PVs, status PVs etc… Therefore, with Actuator enhancements, MATLAB feedback can work with two time-slots.
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Fast Feedback Plans The Team The Work Types of feedbacks Proposed Feedback Architecture Major subprojects The Schedule
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley The Team Project Manager: Patrick Krejcik Software Lead: Diane Fairley Network Software Stephen Norum Till Straughman (consulting) Sheng Peng (consulting) Coordinating with Photon Diagnostics Group Timing: Stephanie Allison IOC Software (controller, actuators, measurements) Diane Fairley Debbie Rogind Stephanie Allison (consulting) IOC Software Group member Configuration Application HLA team member(s)
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Types of Feedbacks Bunch Charge Feedback Longitudinal Feedback Multiple Transverse Feedbacks More added in the future… NOTE: the bunch charge and longitudinal feedbacks are unique. The transverse feedback type needs to be easily created and configured
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Major Subprojects 1.Dedicated Network 2.Feedback Controller IOC Application 3.Actuator IOC Application 4.Measurement IOC Application 5.Feedback Configuration Application Includes automated creation of new feedbacks
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Proposed Fast Feedback Architecture
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Dedicated Network A dedicated network must be developed and installed to support the required 120Hz data throughput Additional hardware is required for each actuator, measurement and controller IOC. Interface layer(s) of software must be developed for each of these IOCs as well: Generic network management, send & receive layer Layer for packaging, sending, recieving data specific to each feedback controller.
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Controller IOC Application Runs on an IOC; one instance per feedback Provides a user interface to the running loop via EDM screens and PVs Is Timing driven (loop wakes up on a timing event) Runs the actual feedback loop; reads setpoints, on/off, gains, matrices, beam and device conditions from PVs; Gets measurements and actuator readbacks from devices via dedicated network checks beam and device conditions, If conditions good, calculates states and new actuator values, sends actuator commands via dedicated network stores all measurement, actuator, and calculated state values to PVs on IOC to meet post-mortem requirement Outputs feedback parameter data (BLD to Photon group) via the FF network Energy, launch parameters (x,x’,y,y’), peak current at the end of the linac
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Actuator IOC application Runs on the actuator IOCs LLRF, Magnets, Laser Power and/or Manages interface to dedicated FF network Accepts actuator commands from controller via dedicated FF network. Support multiple time-slots. The actuators are set per timeslot. Actuator commands from FF network are applied within one pulse rep. interval. Readback values are sent back to controller via FF network on the next pulse interval. Readback data includes device name, value, quality, timestamp, timeslot
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Measurement IOC Application Runs on the measurement device IOCs BPMs, BLENs, TOROs Sends each pulse measurement to feedback controllers via the dedicated FF network Measurement data includes device name, value, quality, timeslot, timestamp Send measurement data for all devices in IOC?
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Configuration Application Written in HLA java framework Runs on the OPI Allows user to choose feedback devices, and configure limits, gains, matrices, setpoints, reference orbits Allows user to load a configuration to the Feedback Controller IOC (and possibly to the Actuator and Measurement IOCs) Allows user to save configurations to the RBD Supports the automated creation of new feedbacks
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Fast Feedback Architecture Issues Ethernet is the preferred solution (it is multi-source and cost effective), but reflective memory appears to be the only solution that works within our schedule and staffing constraints. Where will the Controller IOC Application run? On a single feedback IOC? Multiple feedback IOCs? On each actuator IOC? What devices will be on the fast feedback network? At what rates will the feedback itself operate? 1Hz, 10Hz, 30Hz, Full Rate – like the EDEFs? What data does the Photon Group need? (BLD data) Energy, launch parameters (x,x’,y,y’), peak current at the end of the linac How can we automate creation of a new feedback? (database driven)
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Proposed Schedule Network Preliminary Design -- Jan This allows us to begin on networking Detailed design & review of subprojects -- Spring 2009 Timeslot control of feedback actuators – Spring 2009 Network established -- Summer 2009 Provide 120Hz Photon data link -- Fall 2009 First Fast Feedback loop -- January 2010
November 12, 2008 Controls Software D. Fairley Reference:Creating a new feedback in general Current general process for creating new Feedback loops If necessary, create up to three new MATLAB scripts for the feedback: getMatrix function, loop init function, loop algorithm. Currently there are three versions of each of these, one for each feedback ‘type’. Add EPICS DB template for each new feedback and re-build the softIOC * Create a configuration file for the feedback * Create EDM screens for the new feedback * Update ChannelWatcher config Add Alarms for the feedback Archive new feedback PVs Most time is spent updating support applications – alarm handler, channelwatcher, archiver, and particularly EDM displays. How to ‘automate’ these? The ability to dynamically create PVs with relevant names would be an awesome thing. At this time, auto-creating feedbacks requires pre-loading the feedback IOC with generic named records that can be assigned on the fly. Is this a problem? * Usually done by copy and edit