©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis LSIR Weekly seminar Mapping the Semantic Web
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Semantic Web Road Map Tim Berners-Lee 1998 –Basic Assertion Model Assertion Quotation –Schema Layer Constraint expressions –Conversion Language Conversion from one schema to another –Logical Layer Deductions (inference) + –Digital Signature « Layer » (trust) –Query Language
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis 5 Years Later… Basic Assertion Model: RDF –Resources –Properties –Statements –Containers (bag, sequence, alternative) –Higher-order statements Model and syntax –W3C Recommendation (1999) –Defines an abstract data model –No formal semantics! Implementations? Semantics + abstract syntax –W3C Working draft Others have offered formal representations…
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis 5 Years later… Schema layer (RDFS) –Core classes and properties: Resource Literal XMLLiteral Class Property Datatype type subClassOf subPropertyOf domain range label comment W3C Working draft (upon completion)
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis 5 Years later… Conversion language –OWL (?) Logical layer: Web Ontology Language (OWL) –Reference: No W3C status for the moment Working draft for guide –Deliverable March 2003 –Derived from DAML+OIL –Describes classes and relations between them –Phagocytes RDFS
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis OWL Classes and Individuals Properties –Datatypes Property characteristics Property restrictions Ontology mapping –sameClass/PropertyAs –sameIndividualAs –differentIndividualFrom Complex classes –Set operator –enumerated classes –disjoint classes
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis XML HTML in not enough RDF RDFS OWL
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Query Languages: Live and Let Die
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Semantic Web Deployment Adding RDF statements to the web Embedded in HTML Parallel to HTML –TAP, TAPache (Stanford + W3C) GetData(resource, property) => value Search (resources) Reflection (discovering properties)
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Tomorrow will be a better day
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis For our eyes only A Web of relations is about to be built –Stable abstract data model –First examples online –Distributed in essence No central authority shall allocate URIs to conceptual mappings (T. Berners “W3God” Lee’s design principle) Distributed extensibility (cumulative knowledge) Right time to start to analyze it at the abstract data level
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Modeling the Semantic Web (1) RDF statements –Eventually modeled by directed labeled graphs It’s all about RDF statements… –Subsequent layers may be modeled the same way => at the abstract data level, the whole Semantic Web is ( almost …) nothing more than a distributed directed labeled graph
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Modeling the Semantic Web (2) Graph (S,P,O) of triples (s,p,o) –subject is a URIref (URI + optional fragment id) or a blank node (with evt. ID): s U B –predicate is a literal: p L –o U B L resources (r S P O) are attached to peers (I.e., web servers) –p attached directly to the peer where it is published –if s or o U then attached to the peer responsible for URI –else, s and o attached to p’s peer
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Building the graph We need some additional info in order to build this kind of graph from one peer / resource –store all info about each incoming / outgoing edge at every node (p2p friendly, but not web really web friendly) –central index of RDF statements: Roogle graphs shall be built and processed locally –impossible to maintain a global coherent graph –graphs dependent on requests Question: how exactly should we construct this graph? (gossiping…)
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis First Example PCM Bulle Lives in LSIR Works for EPFL Part of lsirwww Bulle.ch Epfl.ch
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Starting to work with the graph Create subsets of triples –transitiveness –constraints –equalities
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Transitive closures “Enhance” the local graph with additional deducted links –transitive, symmetric, FunctionalProperty, inverseOf, inverseFunctional, sameClassAs, samePropertyAs, sameIndividualAs, differentIndividualFrom, intersectionOf, unionOf, complementOf, oneOf, DisjointWith –+ sequence, bag, alternative –should be categorized into several groups
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Transitive closures (2) PCM Bulle Lives in LSIR Works for EPFL Union of lsirwww Bulle.ch Epfl.ch Links with “Transitive” properties ETH domain Swissedu.ch Financed by SwissConfederation.ch Swiss Confederation Union Of ETHZ Union Of Leads Karl Aberer Leads Aebischer Questions we will have to answer: 1) given a set of statement, how many links can we infer in general? 2) how to formally define the rules to create the new links? Mr. X Leads
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Equalities sameClassAs, samePropertyAs, sameIndividualAs, differentIndividualFrom, intersectionOf, unionOf, complementOf, oneOf, DisjointWith different types of cycles are possible… new version of S
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Constraints Constraint properties –class, subclass, property, subproperty, type, domain, range, ObjectProperty, DatatypeProperty, subPropertyOf, FunctionalProperty, inverseOf, inverseFunctional (P(y,x) and P(z,x) -> y = z), allValuesFrom, someValuesFrom, cardinality, hasValue, intersectionOf, unionOf, complementOf, oneOf, DisjointWith association rule mining S (drift from relational constraints to OWL-specific constraints!)
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Constraint example Playing around could be fun… –ex.: well-formness of a hierarchy (a la RQL…) H=(N,<) a hierarchy of classes and properties properties pi P < shall be the smallest partial order such that if p1, p2 P and p1 < p2, then domain(p1) domain(p2) and range(p1) range(p2)
©2003, Philippe Cudre-Mauroux, EPFL-I&C-IIF, Laboratoire de systèmes d'informations répartis Soooo... Doesn’t it look exciting? What could lie ahead definition of the graph mapping of “semantic gossiping” concepts gossiping method for browsing the graph locally study of transitive closures study of cycles with equalities shall we define new OWL primitives for translations? study of constraints