John Arthur Photon October 12, Photon Systems Update John Arthur SLAC 1
John Arthur Photon October 12, Photon Systems Includes LCLS x-ray and laser groups X-ray Transport, Optics and Diagnostics (XTOD) managed by LLNL (Richard Bionta) X-ray Endstation Systems (XES) managed by SLAC (Stefan Moeller) Laser Systems managed by SLAC (Bill White)
John Arthur Photon October 12, X-Ray Systems Status FY2006 was a design and replan year Scope changes were accommodated XTOD designs have been undergoing reviews XES designs will start reviews imminently FY 2007 is a build year Ready for installation starting November 2007 Ready for first light in Spring 2008
John Arthur Photon October 12, Recent Events FAC April 2006 Recommendations Make x-ray mirror design the top priority Include a full suite of non-destructive diagnostics Consider bringing white beam to FEH Define critical path for commissioning + experiments LCLS actions X-ray mirror specs are now in hand, engineering soon Including robust diagnostics for commissioning and operations White beam option preserved, not first choice Commissioning schedule in preparation
John Arthur Photon October 12, XTOD progress Updated work plan, new ETC Designs moving through review stage FEE West Wall Cable Trays Gas and Solid Attenuator Gas Detector X-Ray Slit and Fixed Mask First x-ray optics
John Arthur Photon October 12, XTOD progress Transport design nearly finished Optics design advanced Most devices have passed preliminary design review Mirrors about to have concept review Diagnostics design underway At concept review stage
John Arthur Photon October 12, XES progress Updated work plan, new ETC 2d x-ray detector development program on schedule, with good reviews so far Working closely with LCLS Controls Group and LUSI
John Arthur Photon October 12, Preliminary design for AMO experiment layout (showing future LUSI station as well) NEH Hutch 2 Expt chambers Laser tables
John Arthur Photon October 12, XPCS 5 XCI 6 HED Efficient Experiment Layout Beam can be switched without moving experiments
John Arthur Photon October 12, BCR changes in FY2006 XES Delete some detectors and computers (Feb) Add K-measurement (May) Delete streak camera (June) Revise AMO (June) Delete laser amp and K-measurement (Aug) Net: Decrease of ~$1500k, nearly all TEC XTOD Revise plan (Oct) Delete flipper mirrors and side beamlines, revise plan (Jan) Replan, add K-measurement (Aug) Net: Decrease of ~$1800k TEC, increase of ~$900k OPC
John Arthur Photon October 12, Summary X-ray groups in design phase; going well Net scope reduction has been accommodated Project scope and beamline design have crystallized Working hard on critical instrumentation