Metadata Presentation by Rick Pitchford Chief Engineer, School of Communication COM 633, Content Analysis Methods Fall 2009
MPEG-7 The value of information depends on how easy it can be found, retrieved, accessed, filtered and managed. Identifying and managing resources efficiently is becoming more difficult, because of the sheer volume. MPEG-7 provides a rich set of standardized tools to describe multimedia content. Audiovisual data content that has MPEG-7 metadata associated with it, may include: still pictures, graphics, 3D models, audio, speech, and video. Metadata may contain composition information about how these elements are combined in a multimedia presentation. Special cases of these general data types may include facial expressions and personal characteristics.
IBM’s MPEG-7 Annotation Tool: One method for annotating video sequences with MPEG-7 metadata. Image from
Metadata from the field: images from Sony Electronics Inc. and Panasonic Broadcast and Digital Systems Company Optical and solid-state video recording media often allows recording original media essence, MPEG 4 “proxy” files for preview purposes and metadata including lens focal length, f-stop, focus distance, notes, text, GPS data and thumbnail images for cataloging shots.
MPEG-21: “MPEG-21 codifies the integration of the critical technologies enabling transparent and augmented use of multimedia resources across a wide range of networks and devices to support functions such as: content creation, production, packaging, distribution, consumption and usage content identification and description intellectual property management and protection financial management user privacy terminals and network resource abstraction content representation and event reporting”