FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS ­What makes them different ? –Acts of Congress –Formula Funds & Special Projects –Special Terms and Conditions.


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Presentation transcript:

FEDERAL APPROPRIATIONS ­What makes them different ? –Acts of Congress –Formula Funds & Special Projects –Special Terms and Conditions


FIRST MORRILL ACT ­Land grants to provide funding for a college providing education in agriculture. ­Each state granted 30,000 acres per representation to be sold to provide funds. –Blacks not permitted to attend original land-grant colleges. Only 2 states established separate institutions for blacks.

EDUCATION REAUTHORIZATION ACT Established in 1994 Added 29 additional land grant institutions

HATCH ACT ­Established agricultural experiment station ­Conduct original research or experiments ­Original grant was $15,000 per year per state. ­Use it or lose it!

SECOND MORRILL ACT £Expanded Morrill Act of 1862 to include historically black institutions. £Southern states which did not have black colleges by 1890 established them later under the 1890 Act. Tuskegee is exception. £States given annual grant of $15,000 with $1,000 annual increases over 10 year period.

SMITH LEVER ACT lCreated Cooperative Extension - a partnership of USDA and land-grant colleges & local government. lExtended the teaching and research activities into the community. –Via demonstration, publications, classes, etc. –4-H program

4-H PROGRAM ËOriginated due to vital need to improve life in rural areas by introducing improved methods of farming and homemaking. –First corn club for boys; forerunner of 4-H clubs –1907 marked beginning of 4-H work under USDA –CE provided staff & support for early 4-H program –4-H name was made official in 1924.

FORMULA FUNDS lBased on formulas to determine allocation. –Smith Lever 3 b, c & d Special Projects Penalty Mail (Terminated 10/03) Federal Retirement Renewable Resources –Other AES Regional Research McIntire Stennis Animal Health

Smith-Lever or Cooperative Ext. l3b & c –4H –Rural Development –Part time Farming l3 d –Expanded Food and Nutrition Program (EFNEP) –Farm Safety –Integrated Pest Management –Water Quality lRenewable Resources

Agricultural Experiment Station Funds lHatch –Rural Population –Farm Census Data lMcIntire Stennis –Volume of Timber –Non-Federal Forest Lands lAnimal Health –Livestock value and income

Special Terms and Conditions lMust be in accordance with OMB A-21 lUnallowable Expenditures –Indirect Costs –Tuition Remission –Capital Expenditures (without prior approval)